Thirty-five feet may have put you above the height of a four-storey building, but you always were quite an ambitious girl. Around seven hundred metres from the shore you were still having to swim; you had no idea how far off standing up you were. There was only one way to find out...
You were getting the hang of this reality-changing business pretty well by now, and slowly and surely your body grew. To the people on the beach (who could definitely see you) there wasn't really much change to notice, but you could feel your legs lengthening under the waterline, your height growing by the second. Eventually you felt the sand under your toes again: hitting the bottom the water came up to your neck. '56 feet? That's incredible!' your all-knowing conscience now told you. 'To think that this morning I was about as tall as my ankle is now!' you thought, silently thanking the genie several million times.
Strolling nonchalantly up the beach was quite a challenge for a girl that is around the height of an seven-storey building. However the people below didn't seem to notice much - they got out of your way (face it, they had to) but aside from that you received only cursory glances and the odd remark. Stepping carefully over power lines you made your way home. You were still in your bikini but you didn't really mind: you finally had some curves and a huge body to show them off with so you made the most of it. However, when you got home the... impracticalities of the situation became apparent. You could barely fit a finger through your front door, and whilst you didn't need to drive any more, a girl of your size would need monumental amounts of food and water. Living as a giantess with a body like no other would be extremely difficult.
However there was one small factor that worked in your favour. You could just change everything! You could make yourself invulnerable to hunger or age, give yourself a magical solution to all the problems you could face. Within a few minutes you had made yourself completely unaffected by all the problems you could think of: you were completely invincible. And then that dream crept into your mind, the one you'd had on the beach. You began to imagine not only protection, but domination. You could live like you had in that dream - powerful, controlling, rich and beautiful. Why live like a schoolgirl when you could live like a god?..
Firstly, you'd need somewhere to live, preferably somewhere you could actually fit. You began to create in your mind a huge palace - built of marble it needed sixty-five foot high arched ceilings to accommodate this giant girl, in some places built over six floors. On the outside it presented hundreds of windows, arches and sculptures embedded with gold and precious stones. The massive complex was surrounded by castle-like thirty-foot walls and ramparts, the sole entrance being through an enormous gilded gate. These walls were low by your standards, only reaching your navel; but this seemed to amplify your power to those outside with the thought that you could easily demolish these otherwise impregnable walls.
Inside was an extensive maze of huge rooms and hallways. All were high and wide enough to fit you and the palace included over eight hundred rooms. There were reception chambers, living areas, dining halls, a swimming pool one hundred feet deep and the size of a small lake, and your private chambers. All were lavishly decorated and brightly lit, with reinforced floors to take your pounding footsteps. The top floors at the centre of the main building housed your rooms, where everything was provided for the new titaness that you'd become.
You also altered yourself slightly: As a girl you were now leaner and fitter, showing some areas of muscle. Your waist was narrower and your breasts had become firmer and more rounded. Overall you had aged a little to your physical peak of 19, your hair longer and your facial features flawless. You also now seemed to be more mature and sophisticated; you stood up straight and walked more dignified. You were still a young girl at heart, but now you had matured - you were slightly bigger at 60'9", standing well above the local skyline. The crowning glory was your immense bust - which at its fullest measured almost forty feet around: Had you been of any normal stature you would need at least a 28N bra.
Of course, it was impossible to make such a monumental change without having an impact: a few extra cup sizes or a sudden improvement in school grades could be passed off, but here along with the new Nayuki came a new, greater reason for her existence...