This choice: Krist sees two twin boys walking around the mall • Go Back...Chapter #5Differentiating the Twins by: citywalker  As Kristi walked by an arcade, she saw two twin boys standing at a Street Fighter IV machine near the front, taking turns playing it. "Perfect," she thought to herself. "Here's a real challenge."
She walked into the arcade and sat down at a bench in the center, trying to look as inconspicuous as possible as she examined the boys closer. They appeared to be twelve or thirteen years old. Through her power, Kristi learned that the boys' names were Jonah and Nolan. Though they were fraternal, not identical, twins, it was hard to tell that by looking at them, as they looked very similar. Both stood exactly 5' 1" tall with a slender build and had medium-toned skin, with thick, curly black hair that covered their ears and eyes. The only noticeable difference was that Jonah wore a pair of thin-rimmed glasses while Nolan wore contacts.
"You know," Kristi thought, "people need to be able to tell these two boys apart a little more. I think I know just how to do it!"
As she focused her power, she made sure that no one would be able to recognize the changes she was making except for herself and the boys. She decided, out of fairness, to work on both boys at the same time.
Her power now concentrated, it began to take effect. Jonah started inching up, getting taller at the rate of an inch every ten seconds or so. He felt a slight ache in his bones and muscles but didn't think anything of it at first. At the same time, Nolan felt his muscles begin to slightly tingle, which he shook off as just being a sign of playing the game for a little too long. But in reality, his chest was becoming more defined, his pectorals growing and becoming harder, while his biceps began to swell and get ripped. Neither boy looked at his body or that of his brother, too wrapped up in their game to notice.
Since Kristi was working with multiple boys and didn't quite know how that would affect her power, she made sure to start out slow. After a minute, Jonah was around six inches taller, and Nolan had added on about fifteen pounds of muscle. It was at this point that the boys first began to take notice of the changes to their bodies, their attention finally broken from the game, though they weren't quite sure what to make of it.
"What the…" Jonah said as he looked at himself, then at his brother. "Nolan, are you seeing what I'm seeing?"
"Yeah," Nolan answered. "And do you feel a little weird?"
"I-- I think so." Jonah nodded. "My clothes are kinda tight."
"All right," Kristi thought, "now it's time to take this up a notch."
She increased the concentration of her power, and the effects were immediately noticeable. Nolan's muscles started to flex on their own and bulge outward, him becoming exponentially more ripped by the second. He leaned his head back and began to moan slightly; the feeling he was experiencing wasn't one of pain or pleasure, necessarily, but something in between.
At the same time, Jonah began to sprout up much more noticeably than he had been. Within ten seconds, he gained nearly a foot in height, and his shirt became untucked revealing his lean stomach, the fabric of his clothing starting to tear. His feet also began to hurt as his toes pressed against the edge of their shoes and the sides felt like they were about to burst.
"Only a little bit more…" Kristi said to herself.
She put a little extra force into her thoughts and it paid off in spades. Nolan's bulging muscles ripped his shirt apart, leaving him standing in the arcade shirtless, his face stunned. His jeans barely stayed together, but his pulsating thigh muscles and calves tore the denim off, causing it to look like he was wearing cut-offs that were way too short. Within the span of just a few minutes, Nolan had become a teen muscle god, with a broad back and arms that could rip a person in half.
However, he was being overshadowed (literally, at least) by his twin brother, who he had to look way up to now. Jonah had passed seven feet in height, and it wasn't stopping. His toes finally broke through the leather of his shoes, and the shoes' sides collapsed shortly after. His shirt hadn't ripped apart yet, but the buttons holding it closed had finally gotten to their breaking point and popped off, flying across the room, nearly hitting another boy in the eye. His increasing size had caused the waistline of his jeans to pop open, though the jeans only sagged down a bit before getting stopped by his thighs. Everything about him had gotten bigger or longer: his arms, his legs, his hands and feet, and (Kristi knew via her power) his package.
Satisfied, Kristi stopped focusing and the boys' growth ceased. They looked back and forth at themselves and each other, mouths open in amazement.
"Holy crap!" Nolan said. "You're a freakin' giant!"
"Well," Jonah said, trying to adjust to his new height, "you're now built like a bodybuilder! You could try out for Mr. Universe!"
"How did this happen?" Nolan asked as he flexed his new muscles, causing the denim on his jeans to rip even further. His eyes widened in embarrassment.
"I don't know," Jonah answered. He looked up to the ceiling reaching up and touching it without having to even get on his tiptoes. This brought a smile to his face.
Kristi was proud of her work, but there was still something she didn't like. Nolan was ripped and built beyond belief, but all that muscle looked really weird on a kid that was only 5' 1". And Jonah was taller than an NBA player at 7' 8", but he looked extremely awkward, the same bony stick of a kid that he was before. They needed something more.
Calling up her power once more, she decided to only make a slight adjustment on each boy. First, she inched Nolan up, letting him gain about ten inches in height. Nowhere near as impressive as his brother's, of course, but now at least he could pass for an adult. Then, turning to Jonah, she worked with his muscles a bit, causing him to become more defined. She left him with a nice swimmer's build and a perfect triangular torso; not a body-builder, but damn sexy.
Finally, she proceeded to fix their clothing problem, lest the mall security throw them out for being indecent. She decided that Nolan should be wearing a white sleeveless shirt, perfectly accentuating his muscles, and skin-tight black shorts, showing off his tight bubble-butt. For Jonah, she chose a black Under-Armour long-sleeve thermal-style shirt, one that sculpted his slender but defined build, and long cargo pants that seemed even more long and impressive at his height. As soon as she made up her mind, the clothes instantly appeared on the boys' bodies, and their old clothes vanished.
The boys barely noticed these final changes, still excited about their larger transformation. "This is the best thing that's ever happened to us!" Nolan exclaimed.
"Absolutely," Jonah agreed, wiping his glasses, which had fogged up during the intense growth experience, on his shirt tail. "I wonder why we each grew a different way, though."
Nolan shrugged. "Beats me. At least now people will stop getting us confused for each other." Jonah nodded in agreement.
As if to drive the point home, Kristi could hear people who were walking by start talking about the boys. "Look at those two!" one twenty-something man said to his partner, pointing. "Are they brothers? They're bodies are so different, but their faces look so similar."
"Maybe," the partner answered. "I don't know why the taller one doesn't go play in the NBA. He could make a fortune."
"Don't they have an age-limit rule or something? Looking at his face, he looks like he's barely a teenager."
Kristi smiled, happy with the results and knowing she had accomplished her goal.  indicates the next chapter needs to be written. |
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