This choice: Sakura, out for an early walk • Go Back...Chapter #7Sakura, out for an early walk by: Daxinar  Sakura walked along the quiet konoha streets, getting her blood circulating in preparation for the training Kakashi said he had planned for them that day. She walked at a brisk pace, deciding to head to the flower shop to harass Ino as she set up shop as she often did.
As she turned a corner, she arched her neck back in a stretch, only to see the absolute last thing in the world she expected too.
Her adored Uchiha teammate dangling from a cable by his underwear.
Shaking her head to snap herself into reality, she quickly looked left and right down the city streets and, seeing that they were luckily still alone, she quickly jumped onto the cable that her Sasuke was hanging from. Her weight on the cable caused sasuke to fall and subsequently rise, forcing his painfully wedgied briefs further into his bum until they completely disappeared.
After a good ten second stare, sakura began to respond to the continued pained moans of her teammate "Shh..." she whispered to sasuke, making his whole body stiffen. "Its okay...nobody's seen you yet. Im going to get you down." Sasuke's issuing sigh was indicative of both his relief of the lack of public exposure on a mass scale, and his utter mortification of being discovered in this position by SAKURA of all people.
Seeing that sasukes undies had to have been torn and resown with chakra to get it into this position, sakura did the same, freeing sasuke of the cable...but not the bonds around his wrists and ankles. This forced sakura to carry sasuke by his already grievously wedgied underwear, causing him to moan into his gag with each step taken. Sakura felt terrible about doing this, but couldn't help but notice sasuke's enormous blush as he was carried in this undignified fashion. This caused her to unconsciously continue carrying him as such, even after they were back on solid ground.
"mmm...mmMM...MMMmmm..." "OH! Im so" With sasuke's continued vocalization of his misery, sakura set him down on soft grass, hiding them both behind a large oak in a fenced off foresty patch of the village. She quickly, but gently removed the tape from his lips, and carefully removed the iron wire from his wrists and ankles. "AHahhhh...." sasuke yelped as he removed the thin strip of cotton from his butt, leaving his undies in an awkward, stretched out, buched up mess. Sakura looked away out of fear of him catching her gaze, but she then saw as she looked back his eyes firmly set on the ground.
"Are you okay Sasuke? Who did that to you?" Sakura asked with genuine concern in her voice. Even with his hair obscuring his face, sakura still saw his blush deepen as she asked this. "Nobody..." Sasuke said dismissively. "Um...its okay don't have to say..." Sakura stood over the brooding teen, several moments of awkward silence passing.
"Um...Ill tell Kakashi that you weren't feeling well today and-
"No. Don't tell anybody about this. Period." Sasuke said, his sharingan flaring up as he spoke these words with absolutism.
Sakura stared back for a moment then responded "O-Of course sasuke. I wouldn't do that. But jeez...were you out there all night? don't you wanna-"
"No. Ill see you in training, okay?" Sasuke said, abruptly disappearing in a whoosh of leaves.
"I-oh...." Sakura stood alone, still in shock over what just happened. Who would've done something like that to sasuke, she thought. And why didn't he want me to know...
Sakura arrived at the flower shop, Ino having just finished opening. "Hey there, forehead. Howzit going?" Ino said casually. "Alright pig..." sakura returned equally as casually as she stood staring at the ground.
"Whats up? You look like you saw a body on the way over here."
"Oh, I saw a body...
"What." Ino narrowed her eyes suspiciously just as she grinned widely.
"What!? I said I saw some shoddy workmanship on your sign outside, ino-pig!" Sakura said, hoping to make ino forget the Freudian slip in another of their usual arguments.
"No, you said you saw a body and you blushed..." Ino walked out from behind the counter, putting her face right up in sakuras. "What did ya mean by that? Go by the red light district before you came here? I didn't know the strip clubs opened up this early..." "I DIDNT- look, forget it okay? How's business anyway? Did you sell as many boquAAAAN!"
Sakura stood on her tiptoes, balancing herself on the counter as ino pulled her violet colored panties from her shorts, making a hand sign with the other hand.
"YOU-" Sakura pulled back her fist and hurled it with all her might at ino's face, only to have ino jump back as she felt her panties jerk more than halfway up her back. "EEEKaa...." Sakura was brought to her knees with the force of the unknown wedgie, only then seeing the thin blue string around her wrist, going all the way back to the legholes of her panties.
"You are fond of those retributive right hands, sakura. With all those years giving you wedgies in the academy, don't you think I can guess your reaction?" Ino gripped the waistband of the berry colored panties and pulled up firmly but slowly. "AHH...wait...Ino...I cant..." "Cant what?" "I...I cant tell you what I saw..." " Oh really? Well, that's too bad. I guess I cant find it in me to let go of your undies then, huh?"
With that Ino used the cakra string already around sakura's panties to hang her from the middle of the flower shop. "Ino...DAMMIT Ino let me down!" Ino left sakura hanging there as she switched the open sighn to closed and walked back.
" can make this alot easier if ya just tell me what you saw" "INO! I told you I cant! It was a promise!"
Ino shook her head and grabbed sakuras ankles, taking a long step backward.
"AH! AAAAHAHA!" Sakura yelped in pain as her frilled panties firmly wedged themselves to the back of her head. "Sakura...were freinds! You can tell me! Ill even give you some new panties!"
"GRRAAH! INO! IF I COULD TELL YOU I WOULD JUST PLEASE STOHOP!" Sakura pleaded with her fellow kunoichi, knowing how sadistic she could be when it came to wedgies, especially with her.
"Aww..." Ino looked at sakura's face, savoring the look of helplessness that she thought made her friend so cute when she was torturing her. But she would've usually answered her by this point, so she decided to be a bit merciful with the pink haired girl.
"Alright..." Ino said as she let sakura go, watching in delight as she bounced on her wedgie, causing her to yelp once more. "Ill let you down if you just tell me why this particular promise is so important that you'll endure my new chakra wedgie?" "Err...well..." Sakura's momentary hesitation and wandering eyes, combined with the telltale sign of increased blush in her face, told Ino all she needed to know.
"Ah. Its something to do with sasuke, huh?"
"WHAT!? NO!" Sakura's immediate denial only cemented this for Ino.
"Oh, I see, you must have found him in in a really embarrassing situation if he made you swear secrecy..."
"I-WHA-I DIDN-YOU-GET ME DOWN!" Sakura flailed around in spite of her continued bouncing by her panties, extremely flustered that Ino had struck so close to home so easily.
"Hahahahah...Okay, Sakura-chan. Calm down." Ino's previously snarky demeanor softened into one of amusement as she saw sakura bounce herself by her own panties.
"Sigh..." Sakura exhaled as Ino cut the string and lowered sakura to the ground, grateful to be relieved of the pressure between her legs and butt. "Here ya go!" Ino said, giggling as she grabbed the back of sakura's shorts and pulled the bunched up violet panties out of her tender Derriere.
Normally, sakura would be even more irritated at her freinds tendency to de-wedgie her after she herself had been the one to cause the problem, but this time the pain was such that she simply whimpered "Thank you..." as she pulled the back of her shorts back up.
a few minutes later, sakura was sitting in the back of the shop on a pillow being served tea by an apologetic Ino.
'So, what, did you find him drunkenly streaking through the streets at this hour?" Ino continued to guess as to the circumstances of her and sasukes meeting this morning. 'NO, of course not,' Sakura said, already tired of Ino's prodding about the issue. 'Look, lets just say I found him in a position of...less than total coverage.''OOO, What did you see, his di-
INO! *sigh* look, it was no big deal I just saw..."What?" Ino leaned over the table in anticipation.'His butt, okay!? I saw his...butt' '...MMM...sasukes bare booty...' Sakura rolled her eyes at Ino's fantasizing 'Yeah, and thats it...." 'Really?' Ino said skeptically. 'Thats all?''YES!...welll, his legs...his feet....he was just wearing his shirt...' "Only his shirt? Then why couldn't you see his junk?" 'HE-HE HAD UNDIES-''Oh, but you saw his butt clearly huh...' 'NO! I MEAN- NEVER MIND! IM LEAVING!' Sakura stormed out of the store, grumbling about Ino and pigs the whole way down the street.
Ino watched her leave from the front window as she smiled to herself. 'So...Sasuke's got a little wedgie problem huh?...'
Sasuke watched and waited, having came straight here from his encounter with sakura (excluding a quick detour for a new set of shorts and breifs). He waited, knowing that Naruto would be the first to arrive as he often was. As soon as he saw the orange jumpsuit and Blond hair come into view, he moved with blinding speed behind the figure and...  indicates the next chapter needs to be written. |
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