It has been three hours, nearly lights out time. You sit on your bed, thinking of a way to get Crystal back. Thankfully, what Beth said was true, so Crystal would be safe until the next time the serum was needed. But Beth was stupid enough to tell you where her dorm was.
"Alright, all variables have been considered, and calculated. I strike tonight, and get my sister back." You smile softly.
Unpacking your bag, you pull out your long sleeved black form fitting shirt, a pair of black yoga pants, crotch-less panties, a rope, a ball gag, (Hey, a girl's gotta prepare for any situation, even if it's S&M), a black hair tie, and black stiletto's.
"Hang on sis, I'm coming for you." You say putting all the black clothes on.
Figuring going through Beth's door would give you away, you chose to climb out your window, with the rope around her left shoulder, and shimmy along the ledge, finding Beth's window open. You look at it hesitantly, figuring it was too easy, but also thinking that Beth considered herself untouchable because of how popular she was.
Taking the risk, for your sister's sake. You quietly slip through the window, finding there were no traps waiting for any intruders, and find Beth sleeping on the bed, nude, with one hand absentmindedly rubbing her belly as Crystal was visibly moving around inside.
"Time to put the rope and gag to use." You whispered as you slowly tied Beth's arms behind her back. next you tied her legs together at the ankles, knees and thighs, as well as restrained her elbows up to the shoulders, before turning Beth onto her back. Surprisingly she slept through all that movement. I guess she had to be if she was able to sleep through Crystals belly tantrums.
After making sure Beth was secured to the bed frame with all the spare rope, you mount and straddle Beth's belly, pressing down hard on it, slowly forcing Crystal up Beth's throat. You use your hands to aid you in pushing Crystal out of her fleshy prison, before you see her hands poking out of Beth's mouth.
Before you take your weight off Beth's stomach, you grab Crystal's hands, and begin to pull her out, until she comes flying out, forcing the both of you to the floor.
Beth snorted in her sleep as she began to wake up. Acting quickly, you get Crystal off you and put the ball gag in Beth's mouth, forcing her to remain quiet.
"There, know your place bitch. No one messes with my sister and gets away with it." You said as Beth began mumbling in anger and protest. You turn to Crystal to see if she's doing okay, and notice something off. Her clothes had melted, and patches of her skin looked like they were burned very badly.
"Miia. (That's your name). Why didn't what the nurse give us work on me?" Crystal asked as you pulled her into a deep hug, trying hard to avoid touching her burns.
"It must not work fully on humans, like it does on Neko's, but it still works, if it hadn't you'd be in the sewers right now as nothing more than Beth's shit." You explained patting her head calmly.
"It hurts." Crystal cried.
"I know it does. That's why I'm going to take the pain away." You say, in a calming motherly voice.
You slowly stand up and pull your yoga pants down, and slide your fingers along your pussy for a bit, before guiding Crystals head to your slicked, warmed up birth canal.
"Won't I become your baby?" Crystal asked.
"With any luck, if the serum works on you the way I think it does, you'll just connect to me with an umbilical cord for nine months, I won't regress you or anything." You say. "You may even become a Neko."
"Alright. Do it, take me in." Crystal sighed.
You slowly lower yourself, moaning as Crystal's head entered your birth canal, and womb. The rest of the unbirthing process goes by swiftly, until you're on your knees, caressing your swollen womb as Crystal's feet slip inside you, leaving you sweating and extremely satisfied as Beth continued to squirm about in her binding, earning her a Cheshire grin from you as you felt the pregnancy hormones flowing through you.
"You know, I went and spoke with the nurse not long after you devoured my sister." You say as you stand, pulling your Yoga pants back up. You knew Crystal had fallen asleep as soon as the umbilical cord connected, exhausted from all the stress she had gone through. "She had actually told me all that I had told Crystal. You know what else she told me?" You asked as your stomach growled. "That the serum is useless against a pregnant Neko's metabolism."
Beth stared at you in horror as you took her feet and shoved them in your mouth. You were so hungry, you began gulping her down fast, reaching her breasts in less than a minute. Once her head was in your throat, your lips gently wrapped around the rope tying her to the bed frame, as you untied it, and slurped the rope down like spaghetti as the bulge of her head finished traveling down your throat, and she began digesting.
"Mmm, now that was delicious." You smile as you stand up from the bed. You steady yourself as you stood on your stilettos, as you walk past her dresser, you notice her wallet, and grab it, inspecting its contents with a smile. "Seriously, five thousand dollars in cash, all of them one-hundred dollar bills." You smile as you pocket the cash, you take a look at her I.D and smile, realizing why she seemed so hi and mighty. "So you're the daughter of the richest Neko in the world. Gotta say, they didn't do a good job at teaching you how to defend yourself." You smiled as you feel Beth's struggling stop, signalling she was either dead, or the fumes of your belly got to her.
You look over the wallet again and found a secret compartment, one that you're sure Beth didn't know about, because inside was a note from her father.
"To anyone who devours my daughter. The credit cards are yours, as well as my daughter's inheritance of my company, and her monthly allowance. If you want to be entitled to all these things, then please contact the number below so I may rightfully make you the receiver of all my Daughter's assets." You read aloud. "I am so interested." You smiled as you took the wallet back to your dorm and gave the number a call on your cell phone.
On the other end, the one who answers is a......