Jack's POV
A sly grin creeps across my unshaven face as I drag my tiny friend across my hairy gut. I Know i should work out more, but sitting and drinking is easier to do. The trip in the car was hot and tiring, my skin is coated in a thin layer of sweat which I can see is sticking to my tiny mate.
To tell you the truth, I don't know why I am doing this, just the sight of a tiny, squirming friend is intoxicating. Plus, me, him and chad are all good mates, and thats what we do, we joke, we rag on each other, we help each other out and humiliate whenever possible, its just the way the friendship works. Unfortunately for him though, he is being humiliated at a size of 1 inch.
I slowly peel open the waistband of my work shorts. They have served me well on the construction site, a bit faded, but still blue and tight. I rarely wear underwear with them, just unnecessary. Even from my distance away, the strong, musty smell caused me to cringe. Its not that I dont understand hygiene, its just im just too lazy to care much about it. I have to stifle a laugh as i see my tiny friend gag at the smell as I drag him closer to my groin. His feet and legs are getting caught up in my happy trail from my navel to my pubes, i can feel his tiny toes as they brush against my skin.
He struggles in vain to stop going further into the darkness that is my groin. Looking down i can see my heavy cock resting in the darkness behind a thick tuft of black pubes. A muffled scream erupts as I move him faster into the cavern. Before I let go, I turn him around so his back is against the base of my shaft. He tries to steady himself as he looks back up at me across my humongous gut and chest. I keep the waistband open and deliberately turn my attention to the TV. I want to make him feel miniscule in height and respect. After about a minute or two I look back down to see him beginning to move back upward. Not saying a word I just shake my head and push him back with my finger.
He yells out to me as I pin him down with one finger, I strain myself to hear it..I think its something like "Get your hand away from me!" I smile down to him "Okay buddy" as I withdraw my hand. His face drops immediately as he realises what I've done.
I pull my hand away and in doing so, the tight elastic of the work shorts snaps back against my fat waist, encompassing the poor little guy in darkness.Beneath the material, I hear the tiny man release a horror-filled scream at his situation, I cant help but smile. As I crack a beer open and relax on the big double bed, I wonder where Chad is