I was lonely. Forsooth it all if I admit that to anyone I know. I can't even think of what would happen If I did. Is there a reason why I'm by myself? Or is it just cruel fate that decides I should just rot here? I don't even feel like myself. Like I'm somebody else. but still the same, if that even made sense....
I guess I'm for myself to blame. Why else would I be here, glumly sitting in this tree, admiring the relationships everyone had? Just looking to my left, I see that accursed Bat clamoring all over her little jewel. That Echidna....what was his name? Chuckles? Something like that. It pains me to think that romance comes so fluently to them. For someone like me, it would be like climbing a mountain with no help except for my teeth. I observe some more, wondering to myself why it's like this, why my miscreant friends have love in the air all around.
I'm sorry, I'm getting a tad ahead of myself. You see, we're at a picnic, a small little gathering before we all set our opposite ways again. I have my own house in the very thick of Station Square, I don't use it that often as I should. Which somehow made me think of one certain being at this position.
Who else but Sonic The Hedgehog? He loves traveling. Heck, he's on perpetual vacation when he's not roaming the planet stopping evil. Evil....Can't believe I used to be evil. Just thinking about that word brings a soft chuckle to my lips. Too bad I'm not evil anymore, it was fun, but it had its ups and downs. For example, if I wasn't evil, I never would of met him....
Wait. Where did that even come from?? I'm sitting here, thinking about love, then HE enters my mind. Well great, now I'm panicking. I can't see straight. I become very close minded when I can't focus or see, I almost automatically shut down when something like this happens. Plus add to the fact that I haven't been feeling very good at all. I think I may have gotten sick over the course of last week.
Yeah...That was the ground. I forgot what it felt like. I guess its good enough that the ground is covered by soft grass. The initial impact hurt worse then when I got my first shot.
Now I hear footsteps. "Shadow! You okay?!" And that was Sonic himself. Well, gee faker. I just fell from a tree, I'm not responding, what else could be going on?
Next thing I know, I'm being turned over and the sun's in my eyes, I squint them shut hard and grit my teeth. I could feel his hands on my forehead, he removed one glove and placed it on my head. Was it just me, or did his hand feel soft and cool?....
"S-Shadow, your burning up." Well, I guess so. I felt like I was in a steam room right now. Add extra hot-rocks. Then I could tell he was trying to feel for any cuts or bruises on my torso. Now, with the current situation, I wouldn't mind this If it was a medical situation, maybe it was, but thats when I realized he was getting a little to close for my own comfort to one area of privacy.
I don't think he noticed, or at least pretend to not notice, but I could feel his hand getting to one spot right when the bottom of my stomach was. Oh no, if he keeps going, he's going to find out....
I suddenly jerked under his grasp, opening my eyes with great force on my part, and suddenly rolling onto him. I glare into his eyes with my crimson iris, his shell-shocked green ones staring right back at me.
I'm so sorry Sonic, I have to do this....
"What in the reddest of red hells are you doing, Hedgehog?" I rasp out, fatigue evident in my voice. I could see he was trying to come up with an answer.
"I-I was trying to see if your okay! Why-" But I felt a pang of regretability when I grasped a scruff of fur with both of my hands, lifting the upper half of his body with my strength.
"Do you hear me clear? Don't ever touch me again. I'm fine." I drop him to the ground with force. I had to make it look believable. That's when his pink harpy entered the scene, furious that I touched her 'Sonikku'.
"Shadow! What was that for?! He only tried to help you, and you repay him by shoving him to the ground? You should grateful!"
Truth was, I am grateful. Really, but I had to keep my secret, I can't let them find out. "Really. Of course you'd say anything to protect him. you hated my guts from day one. I can tell."
I look back at Sonic, peering up at me with his elbows propping himself up off the ground. His mouth hung open. I could only guess he was thinking I just pulled a Double Whammy on him and his 'Grifriend'....
......I'm hanging around him too much.....
"I'm going home, you'd better not follow me Faker."
I start to walk away, my eyes peering off to the side if he did follow me or not. Well, Guess I should get home. Then again, he could just follow me.
What should I do?