Giving in to the allure of the Pokeblocks, Drew quickly gobbled up all of the remaining ones, taking note of how filling they seemed. Now brimming with energy himself, he recalled Roselia into her Pokeball and took off toward the stage. "Ow!" he said, bumping his head on the doorframe. "Odd... I don't remember it being so short. Oh, well. I've got a Contest to win!"
The young coordinator barreled down the hallway, still riding the high from the energy-rich Pokeblocks and not noticing the extra weight he was now carrying. As he settled down backstage to further prepare, he got a better look at himself... and was quite surprised! Over the past ten minutes or so, he had developed a rather pronounced gut, which now poked out from under his shirt.
"Whoa... that's not right. I sure have let myself go; I gotta cut down on the sweets!" Still in his energetic state, he half-heartedly pulled his shirt down and focused on tidying up Roselia, quickly tossing aside the notion that his viewpoint seemed to have shifted nearly a foot higher...
"And, next in our lineup for today is... Drew-- er, there seems to be a smudge over the last name here. Oh, well. Drew, of LaRousse City, and his incomparable Roselia!" Upon hearing his name, Drew grabbed Roselia and headed toward the stage, ignoring the odd... swelling sensation he felt. "Hey, buddy, are you alright?" asked an older coordinator behind him. "You look like you're... pulsating or something."
"I'm fine; I suggest you focus on yourself, pal." As he walked onto the stage, the MC turned to greet him. "And here he is, folks, Dre-- OH, MY GOD!" He stopped short upon seeing Drew, who had, by now, ballooned to a tremendous size. At least 12 feet tall and still growing, he had also gotten considerably fatter. His belly, face, and limbs had all bloated to immense proportions, the latter starting to hang over his knees, and the crowd cried out in horror as he continued to expand. The haze that had fallen over the boy's mind after eating the Pokeblocks suddenly lifted as his clothes began to tear off, and he became fully aware of his situation again.