"Man, I'm stupid for even thinking about trying that," you say to yourself as you look away from the distant ground below you. A moment later, you hear a car door open, and look around you as Misty sets her purse in the passenger seat of her car and then gets in herself.
"Sorry Jason, I know it's no luxurious way to travel in there but there's really no other safe way. Which radio station do you like?"
"97.3!" you yell out, but Misty's face doesn't even change.
"Oh. Sorry, forgot you were so quiet," Misty grinned. "Here," she says as she leans over towards her purse with her head turned, her ear facing you, only an inch away from your miniscule body. You feel like you're looking into a gargantuan ear-shaped satellite dish. It's simply huge! Until now, all you'd thought about was Misty's feet, but you can't help but find this new situation slightly appealing.
"Uh..97.3 please!" you shout once again.
"97.3? Alright, that's my favorite!" says Misty as she turns her radio on. Knowing that having a casual conversation with you on her way home is next to impossible while she's driving, Misty simply smiles to you, and drives to her apartment.
"Alright, we're home!" says Misty as she picks up her purse along with you and starts walking to her door. Moments later, you feel your transportation suddenly stop moving, and shortly later you see a bright light fill the room your in.
"Ok, you can come out of there now," you hear Misty say, and as you turn to look at her, a gigantic hand reaches into the purse and cups itself next to you. You glady accept the ride, and after a quick up and down elevator movement, Misty sets her hand down on the countertop and opens her fingers. You walk out on to the smooth white surface and look around. You've done it. Misty's apartment. You smile as you imagine that nothing bad can possibly happen now.
Misty sits down at a stool next to her countertop and rests her chin in her hand, setting her elbow right next to you, which from your perspective is a far more appealing Leaning Tower of Pisa. Misty smiles and sighs.
"Well..now what are we gonna do? I don't know whether that ray wears off by itself or what. Can I get you anything?"