This choice: The kick connects, but you recover in mid-air! • Go Back...Chapter #24The kick connects, but you recover in mid-air! by: batman1  Just when you were about to raise your gauntlet and simply block the kick, you found yourself mentally stopping the maneuver. As bizarre as that seemed, you were almost captivated by her bare foot. You shook your head quickly to clear out these strange thoughts, but the sheer sight of Sapphire’s bare foot snapping towards you, her painted toes wiggling anxiously in mid-air was enticing, entrancing even.
The world around you moving in slow motion, you unwillingly found yourself staring at her bare foot as it accelerated towards you. Your arms freezing in that crucial second, you cursed yourself for letting these perverse thoughts pollute you by then it was already too late.
“Uuuugh…” Sapphire’s bare foot slammed into your mouth with authority, knocking you off her waist but not knocking you unconscious.
As soon as her foot snapped towards you and connected hard, your body nearly went limp. Sapphire’s irritable scowl immediately melted into one of the utmost glee as she kicked you off, and back towards the Earth below.
You had endured punishment from five of the Secret Society’s biggest heavy hitters, yet you had remained strong. Your suit was literally being held together by strings of leftover Kevlar and your own resiliency and determination. But yet, you weren’t giving up.
You weren’t done until the mission was complete.
Reacting on sheer adrenaline, you reached into your utility belt and pulled out your grapple hook, your literal last resort in this situation. You were already flying in freefall, so you only had one shot to make it count. Without even taking aim, you fired, launching the metal cable out of the muzzle, and letting it coil around Star Sapphire’s outstretched right arm.
“Noooooo…” She attempted to blast the cable with her ring, but you instinctively yanked the cable towards you, pulling Sapphire towards you, and more specifically, your right fist.
With much relish, you landed a devastating right haymaker across Star Sapphire’s cheekbone, one so devastating that her head actually rolled back following the impact.
Her body now went limp as well, as you turned back towards ground level, which was growing more and more closer by the second. In fact, you only had a moment more to fire the grapple hook once again towards the ceiling infrastructure.
The pronged metallic hook was only seconds before coiling around the infrastructure before your shoulder hit the top of the generator.
One last pained scream escaped your bloodied lips as your shoulder dented the top of the metallic generator, providing a convenient yet very excruciating landing pad, one that would surely reap long-term physical ramifications in the future.
Feeling your insides turn to mush within your charred body armor, you groaned loudly as you attempted to regain feeling in your upper body. Your body had dented the surface at least a few inches in, while you were going to walk away feeling much worse than the generator. The ceiling light dangled slightly due to the impact of your fall.
Turning slightly to the left, you cringed as Sapphire “landed” as well, her nearly limp body colliding hard against another generator, before bouncing off the metallic surface and falling to the ground level below.
Clutching your midsection sorely, you tried sitting up, but your body responded very poorly to this decision. Pained winces escaped your mouth when you attempted to breathe, and your left arm was starting to feel numb, scary numb.
Still, you had to find the resolve deep down, somehow, to find your footing. Breathing wasn’t any fun, but laying like a coach potato waiting for Sapphire to regain her wind would be no picnic either.
With another loud groan, you pushed yourself off the generator, and landed on wobbly legs. By this point, it was almost official that you had at least two broken ribs on your left side. Your body armor had withstood a lot tonight, but even this was overestimating your own physical limitations. After all, dealing with metahumans was a job for another metahuman, not you.
Your shoulder was definitely dislocated, but this time you couldn’t pop it back in place without inflicting even more damage to your anatomy. After this, you definitely needed a checkup at Gotham General, to say the very least.
Limping down the stairs and to ground level, your cape dragged as you approached the downed Star Sapphire, who was not looking so well herself.
Her black hair was a mess, and that was putting it likely considering the rest of her body. Her nose was broken, but the same could be said for her pride. Her beautiful face now marred by the bloodied limb, crimson red openly drooled from her lower lip.
Still, you nearly hesitated as your eyes trailed down her legs, and to her booted and bare feet. Her soles crunched up and toes spread out to accommodate her writhing body, even you couldn't deny how attractive it was. It was quite...interesting just to see her toes flex in a continuous loop, but you shook it off.
An angry red blotch throbbed on her midriff, the exact spot where she collided with the generator. Though her hourglass figure remained flawless, her posture was clearly stunted, with her assuming the lotus position as if anticipating your footsteps.
“Come to finish me off, love?” she spat bitterly, her usually elegant speech patterns slurred by her bloody mouth. Turning towards you, she winced heavily as she shifted her clearly aching body to meet you.
Your eyes narrowed as you produced one of your very last Batarangs in one hand, the steel glimmering against her violet aura.
“It’s over, Carol,” you told her simply, hoping to bring a peaceful resolution to this conflict before it escalated any further. Well, any more than usual, at least.
“Is it, truly, Batman?” she asked through gritted teeth. “In case you haven’t noticed, there were five of us, and only one of you. I see only three bodies lying around. It seems you’ve missed a spot or two.”
“I shut Livewire down,” you growled, oblivious to what she was really getting at.
She grunted in pain as she attempted to massage her bruised shoulder. “Wasn’t referring to her, darling.”
“Then who are you talking ab-” you started to demand before stopping mid-sentence. Star Sapphire’s knowing smile told the entire story.
“In case you haven’t noticed yet, detective, I’ve been stalling you. I’d advise you turn to your left in oh about two seconds,” she smiled, before spitting out another glob of blood.
You realized about two seconds too late what ambush you just walked into, but by then, it was too late.
A snarling blur suddenly tackled you from the right, knocking you off your feet and to the ground before you could even raise a hand to defend yourself.
Your back skidded across the floor before you came to an impromptu halt, with the snarling blur now straddling your body.
“Miss me?” came the grating snarl of Cheetah, who had somehow recovered from your one-two combo downstairs, and was clearly looking to “repay the favor.”
Before you could punch her, she thrust her knee into your rib cage, knocking the wind out of you, before pinning your wrists to the ground with both hands, her mystical strength overpowering your own endurance.
Her face was a squashed tomato both literally and figuratively. Her nose was broken, blood was streaking down her lower lip, and one of her eyes was swollen shut. Suffice to say, she wasn’t exactly pleased to see you again.
“Get off!” you snarled back, trying to struggle for control but Cheetah was feral and quite unhinged in motion. Before you could shift your body weight and knock her off backwards, she raised one clawed hand and raked it across your cowl, slicing through your bulletproof mask and letting your own blood fill the knife-shaped marks left.
You immediately cried out in pain as she clawed you across your face, inciting even more searing pain within your cheekbone. Your face once again distorted in agony as Cheetah purred a dominant coo, licking her lips at the sight of your own blood.
“Poor baby,” she taunted snidely as the blood now began gushing down your cowl. Fortunately, you managed to shift your body upwards to disjoint Cheetah’s aim, but had she succeeded in her original plan, you’d be missing one eye right about now.
Still wincing heavily, the former explorer ran a delicate finger across your fresh wounds, coating her fingernails in your own blood. Her tail even began wagging excitedly behind her as she leaned into whisper into your ear.
“I could kill you now, Batman,” she whispered, almost in a subdued tone, while still fingering your torn suit.
“It would be easy, really. Too easy, in fact. No, I think I want to savor this. I want to savor the taste of a beaten, broken shell of a man brought down by his superior counterpart. And I’m going to enjoy every second of what I’m about to do to you,” she grinned devilishly, showing off her sharpened teeth in a sadistic display of barbarism.
“Take your best shot,” you spat defiantly, before she violently bit down in response.
You immediately howled in pain as her fanged teeth bit through your collar plate, and directly into the left side of your throat. What was pain now became excruciating agony as she continued sinking her teeth into your flesh, taking full advantage of your grounded state.
Your cries echoed throughout the entire warehouse as she continued this unorthodox torture, twisting and turning her head to get a full grasp on, before finally pulling herself out.
As Cheetah arched herself backwards, you made out, to your utter horror, a small patch of your own skin hanging in between her teeth! Her face was lit up in an absolutely insane expression as she spat it out, and tasted your blood in her mouth.
Her facial expression was one of utter euphoria.
“Yummy. I think I want more,” she purred seductively, before diving back in for seconds, only this time aiming for your throat.
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