This choice: The ensuing fall had removed her boot! • Go Back...Chapter #23The ensuing fall had removed her boot! by: batman1  Despite your best efforts, that same imagine of a woman’s bare foot had once again polluted your mind, and thanks to some reinforcement from Knockout, it was soon becoming your undoing.
You were almost immediately transfixed upon Star Sapphire, or rather, Carol Ferris’s bare foot upon approaching her barely stirring body. Her knee high boot had been forcibly removed from her leg thanks to your grapple hook, and was now only inches away, yet that wasn’t the center of your focus.
Somehow, you were both mentally and physically incapable of overlooking Star Sapphire’s bare foot, a pampered beauty if any other. Your eyes had automatically began trailing down her toned and slender leg, but by the time they reached the ground it was too late to turn away.
Carol’s foot was a flawless Size 9, and aside from a few scratches accumulated from the strains of battle, was virtually perfect. Her silky white skin stretched all the way down to her foot, as her wrinkled sole almost demanded your attention. However, the most notable feature of her foot was the choice of nail polish applied to her toes: a metallic pink.
Her toes flexed instinctively as Sapphire began to become aware of her surroundings, yet you couldn’t be any more oblivious. The nail varnish complimented her Sapphire uniform quite nicely, while also highlighting how utterly attractive her bare foot was.
Much to your utter chagrin, your utter disdain, you were simply incapable of looking away, or even properly apprehending the cosmic beauty. You were more or less becoming transfixed upon her bare foot, but Star Sapphire had recovered and soon took advantage of your infatuated state.
“Uungghh…” Before you could even think to react, she blasted you back by unleashing the Sapphire gem embedded within her crown, knocking you off your feet and to the ground.
Groaning immensely, you cursed yourself for once again falling victim to lust, as Sapphire regained her composure and reassembled yourself.
“As I told you before, Batman, no man can resist the violet light,” she purred coyly, as you used the railings for assistance to get up. Still leaning on them, your eyes widened as she aimed her ring hand at you, clenching her right hand to will a similarly designed violet fist construct to life.
Cocking one hip to the left, she jeered at you before pushing her ring hand forwards, while simultaneously launching the closed fist your way.
With only seconds until contact, you could only reach into your utility belt for your last flashbang grenade before bracing for impact.
The closed fist rammed into you top speed, knocking the wind out of your already bruised and probably fractured midsection while sending you backfirst into a factory generator.
You couldn’t help but cry out in pain as your spine collided against the unforgiving steel, your already charred back armor too weak to cushion the blow. After also cracking the back of your head against the steel, you were too groggy to prevent Ferris from pushing her advantage.
The fist construct grabbed you with all five fingers as you lurched forwards, your knees threatening to buckle. However, before you could crumble, the fingers transformed into tendrils which wrapped around your torso.
You struggled relentlessly, but Carol’s lust-charged willpower overpowered your own, as her violet tendrils intertwined around your torso and tightened. Grunting immensely through clenched teeth, you could only stare blankly before she pulled your writhing form towards her, rearing her ring hand back.
Then, with much vehemence, she thrusted her ring hand forward, and her hand construct slammed you against the generator.
Your body instantly went limp following the impact, which was only exacerbated when Star Sapphire repeated the process, this time slamming you against the generator with even more force. Falling down to both knees, your arms went limp on both sides as your head leaned forwards groggily. A trail of blood began dripping down your lip as your visor once again malfunctioned.
Your body armor had already endured more than it was created to withstand, so each blow that you took could quite literally be your last you could take and still be conscious.
Smiling at your weakened form, Star Sapphire held out her other hand, and willed a violet medieval battle axe to life. The axe, crude in design, sported a wicked, doubled edged blade design.
“I will admit, Batman; you’re more bothersome than Hal ever was. Even he succumbed to my love once I tethered his heart to mine. But you on the other hand, fight love with all your strength, all your resolve. Commendable, but pointless,” she smiled victoriously, as she lifted you off your feet with the tendril construct.
Your struggles had become more and more reticent as she continued moving your body closer to her, and her battle axe. Still, you had one last ace up your sleeve, but you had to time it just right.
“You see, Dark Knight, love is inevitable; is is the air that we breathe, the ground that we walk on. It is everything, really, and it can only be used by those with the purest of hearts. I happen to fit that requirement rather nicely,” she smiled, possibly referring to her hourglass figure as the construct moved you closer and closer to her.
“Carol...fight’re stronger than Star Sapphire,” you urged in between several pained winces and short breaths courtesy of her tightening tendrils.
“I’d say the same for you, detective, but it appears that you lack such a heart. Well, at least after I rip it out of your chest,” she smiled, raising her battle axe for the killing blow, just as you angled your right wrist forward.
Now mere feet away from her, you tossed the flashbang at the ground near her, waiting until the opportune moment to break free.
“Hah!” you cried out before flexing your torso out and escaping free just as the flashbang detonated. Star Sapphire cried out as the blinding light forced her to look away, and stumbled directly into your counterattack.
Twisting your body in mid-air, you retaliated with a jump spin kick that nearly knocked the “Star” right off of Sapphire’s face. As soon as your heel connected with her mouth, she twirled around in a complete 360 before stumbling back groggily.
You were running on reserves, but veteran instincts prompted you to skip back when she attempted to regain control by lashing at you wildly with the axe, only to slice through empty air.
Finally, you intercepted her on her next slash, by aiming a swift right palm strike to her left elbow when she attempted to backhand you with the axe construct. As Sapphire grunted in pain, you gave her a real reason to cry by striking her over the shoulder and directly in the face with a left cross that nearly dropped her.
Her legs became wobbly as she stumbled forward, her arms nearly limp as the blow connected laterally. Normally, you would reassess the situation, but your hubris had once again gotten the better of you.
Just as you were about to lunge towards her groggy form, Sapphire suddenly straightened herself out, and twirled back towards you.
“Aaarghhh!” you cried out in pain as her battle axe sliced you across your left shoulder, cutting clean through the remaining Kevlar while also opening up a nasty cut across your bare skin for the first time. The nearly foot-long laceration opened up an even bigger bandage of pain upon your torso, as you desperately grabbed at your wounded shoulder.
Almost as shocked as you with her desperation move, Sapphire attempted to capitalize by bringing her battle axe down on your head, but you quickly responded by bringing your left forearm up to block.
SHHINNK!!! Cosmic energy clashed against your steel gauntlet, resulting in an uneasy stalemate but with some repercussions on your side. You had managed to block with such force that it parried her blow, but the battle axe also managed to slice through your gauntlet, severing the metal armament in half in one fell swoop.
As you gaped at your now stripped bare forearm, Star Sapphire took advantage by swinging at you yet again with the battle axe. Sheer adrenaline now running through your veins, you easily sidestepped as the axe construct instead sliced through part of the railing that you had been leaning on.
You countered by landing a brutal uppercut between her outstretched forearm and directly into her lower jaw, jolting her upwards with a vengeance. The blow once again stumbled Sapphire, whose axe construct immediately dissipated as she momentarily lost concentration and staggered back.
Nearly tripping over her feet, Star Sapphire almost collapsed to the floor while clutching her bruised jaw, leaving her back wide open. Trying to once again put the violet vixen down, you lunged at her yet again, only for Carol to suddenly twist back towards you, and blasted you across the left shoulder plate with her Sapphire ring.
Grunting audibly through gritted teeth you were forced to withdraw from her downed position as you gaped at the now smoking hole through your undersuit, leaving a burnt mark on your bare skin.
As you clutched your shoulder, Carol took off in the air, attempting to recuperate and rethink her strategy. As soon as her feet left the ground, you instinctively lunged right after her, before she could get to a crucial vantage point in the air.
Sapphire cried out in protest as you wrapped around her legs just as she reached the ceiling, your sheer body weight threatening to bring you both down. Writhing immensely, she attempted to blast you with her head gem, but you smartly maneuvered into her peripheral vision.
“You just can’t get enough of me, can you?” she snarled irritably, before finally wiggling her bare leg free of your vice grip.
Just before you could land a crucial blow, Star Sapphire reared her leg back, and sent it flying towards you. indicates the next chapter needs to be written. |
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