That was the only sound to escape your lips as you slammed against the metal railing, instantly rendering your already battered body limp against the rusted bars. As you slumped forward, Knockout merely smirked, cracking her knuckles.
Your arms held on to the railing for dear life as you began to slump forward. Still, you wore a resilient mask on your face, at least for now.
“Really? I’ve been in bed with men who've lasted longer than you,” she taunted maliciously, before breaking into a frenzied run, raising one gloved fist to finish you off once and for all.
Your head was still groggy, but you still dug down deep to find the resolve to finish it.
This fight wasn't over yet.
The metallic surface succumbed to Knockout’s quite gargantuan effort as soon as her fist dented the machinery. Her fist imprinted itself at least three inches through its center, right where your skull had been about two seconds ago.
Throwing yourself to the ground, you came back up with one knee firmly planted and a bat-shaped compact taser gripped firmly in your right hand.
Gritting her teeth angrily, she easily yanked her hand out of the dented metal, somehow not fazed by a move that would break an ordinary man’s hand. Oblivious so far, she turned towards you ready to throw another punch, only to receive one of her own.
Without any hesitation, you pulled the trigger, releasing the two electrodes attached to the ends of the lines, aimed towards the New God.
“Arrrghhh!” She cried out in pain as the two electrodes impacted her shoulder, before transmitting the electrical discharges through her Herculean body.
As the concussive shocks continued coursing through Knockout, you relaxed a bit, thinking that the weapon would do its job and subdue the former Fury. However, the polar opposite of your presumption began to materialize.
Instead of exhibiting pain, numbness in muscles, even mild convulsions, the usual symptoms, Knockout craned her head towards you, and let loose a savage, almost boisterous laugh.
The slits on your cowl narrowed as she suddenly straightened herself out of her pained state, and began calmly pulling the electrodes out of her skin.
“Cute toy. Mind if I break it?” she asked you, crushing the devices into crumbs with ease.
Faster than an eyeblink, Knockout flicked her left wrist over the conductive line, and grabbed it, before yanking hard towards her.
You made the mistake of trying to hold on, the equivalent of a god playing tug-of-war with a mere mortal. With ease, she yanked you forward as a result, nearly dislocating your shoulder over her abrupt pull.
Knocked off your feet, you attempted to bring both gauntlets up to shield your face, only to get a swift uppercut to the jaw for your efforts.
The punch catapulted you backwards at least ten feet, sailing through the assorted machinery and conveyor belts, only to land unceremoniously on your neck.
Groaning heavily, you rolled over on your stomach before full impact of landing on your neck could prove disastrous. Pushing yourself up on your elbows, a mouthful of blood began working its way up your throat, and clearly wanted out.
Depositing the glob of mouth to your left, you wiped your bloodied lips only to see Knockout who was almost casually jogging towards you, not even giving you a moment of respite.
Shifting backwards, you relied on your peak athletic ability to land on your feet, just in time to block her next barrage.
“Hah!” She uttered a warrior cry before throwing the first punch, a wild haymaker that would've decapitated a bear.
Barely evading a dislocated jaw, you continued to jerk back as she threw another downward hook your way, which also whizzed through empty air.
Visibly annoyed, she pivoted her front leg on that same punch’s arc, and twirled around with her back leg launched high in the air.
You raised a hesitant steel gauntlet to block her jump spin kick, which nearly demolished the wrist gauntlet entirely. Shaking your forearm, you attempted to get some circulation back in your veins as she reared back for another kick.
Shifting forward, you intercepted her snap roundhouse to the thighs with precision, dropping your gauntlet to parry her kick.
With a grunt, she pivoted on her front leg, and brought the kick even higher for a surprise roundhouse to the face. This time, you ducked, allowing her own momentum to carry her in a complete 720.
Once she returned back to you in a slightly dazed stupor, you rewarded her arrogance with a right cross to her unsuspecting mouth, rocking the New God. As she started to lurch back, you halted her retreat with a powerful forward uppercut to the jaw, which while effective, only seemed to annoy her rather than inflict any long-term damage.
A pained look crossed her face as she staggered back groggily, her stance now sloppy and uncoordinated. You lunged in to finish the job when she suddenly spun around on her heel and reversed the charge.
Launching herself back at you, your eyes widened as she absolutely flayed you with an extended forearm to the neck, knocking you off your feet in a definite powerhouse maneuver.
Your body actually backflipped through the air as her forearm connected, sending you in a whirlwind of pain as your head cracked against the floor in a daze.
Rolling on your back, you opened your eyes just in time to see Knockout towering over you, wiping a line of blood off her mouth, and raising her spiked heel, preparing for the coup de grace.
Adrenaline lumping through your veins, you threw yourself to the side just as her foot impacted the ground where your throat had just been. In your place however, you quickly unclipped a sonic grenade from your belt, and tossed it her way.
Regrouping on the floor five feet to her right, she started to lunge towards you only to be taken off guard when the device rolled towards her. She could only elicit a surprised look before it detonated.
“Aaaahhh!” She wailed incessantly as a high-pitched, ultrasonic frequency emitted from the grenade, threatening to shatter her eardrums. The wave of ultrasonic pitches forced her to cover her ears and nearly trip over her feet in a writhing fit.
Ever the opportunistic one, you reached into the back of your utility belt with both hands, before pressing down against two pouches. You then brought your fists before you, now outfitted with specially-made electric knuckle dusters, an spin off of the classic “brass knuckles.”
Your metal-capped knuckles now augmented by slick black pieces of metal, you pounded them together in order to activate its primary function.
Electric discharges now cackled through the knuckle dusters, surging through the slick metal in lightning arcs. Standing to your full height, you couldn't help but grin as Knockout stomped down on the sonic device, finally destroying it.
“That all you g-?” she started to boast before your amped up fist smashed into her mouth with all of your weight behind it, causing spittle to erupt from the other side of her mouth.
As she sorely touched the now throbbing end of her mouth, your muscles tensed as you unleashed your own barrage, now more energized than ever.
“Try these on for size, princess,” you growled, before delivering a swift uppercut to her abdomen, your fist now the equivalent of a meta-human’s.
As she lurched forward, clutching her bruised stomach, you jammed a right jab right into her left eye, disorienting her. Not letting up for a second, you continued to unload with lefts and rights, absolutely demolishing her midsection while laying down some hard fisticuffs and elbows to her facial features.
Occasionally, she would blindly try to regain control by throwing a few lazy rights and lefts here and there, but you merely ducked and shot back up, not letting her get the advantage again.
Your electric dusters were surprisingly rocking the New God, forcing her on the defensive in a pitiful attempt to recollect yourself. Shot after shot connected, and with no noticeable resistance from her part, your attacks became more and more bold.
With every punch, you could see her knees beginning to buckle, her muscles loosening up, even her left eye beginning to shut. She was losing this fight, for sure.
Unfortunately, your overconfidence would prove to be your undoing, just when the end was near.
Rearing back for your next emphatic statement, you nearly hesitated upon seeing her almost bloated face. Her left eye was now swollen shut, streaks of blood raced down her lower lip, and her nose looked like a squashed potato. Her once beautiful face was now blemished by your savage attacks, leading you to believe that she was done anyway.
Alas, your compassion may have once again betrayed you.
Just when your fist was about to connect, her hand shot up lightning fast, and grabbed your fist mid-air, halting your advances. Gritting your teeth angrily, you attempted to pry your arm away, but she was one step ahead.
Like paper, she crumpled up you knuckle duster by only pressing down with her fingers, reducing the metal to a junkyard byproduct. Pieces of the metal even scattered to the floor.
Smiling, Knockout reared back her fist. “My turn.”
Taking advantage of her groggy state, you easily ducked the fist before reappearing behind her, prying your arm loose. Before she could think to elbow you, you wrapped both forearms around her midsection.
Uttering a strained cry, you relying on your suits hydraulics to allow you to lift the New God, your muscles nearly popping out as you initiated the nearly impossible task. But sure enough, her feet were now dangling nervously above ground within seconds.
Wincing heavily against her corset, you then preceded to fall backwards with a firm waistlock around her torso, carrying her with you. With a cry, you slammed her neckfirst to the ground first, utilizing every single ounce of willpower you had left to take her down.
As soon as you heard that satisfying thud against the ground, your world went dark.