Jiraiya is proud of his student, Minato is getting stronger by the second and he even picked up Kushina, and man is she beautiful, so beautiful that he began to think he wasn't good enough for her, and after some 'research' he found out that was true, Minato in his mind doesn't have a good enough package for her, but Kushina is infatuation with him ever since he saved her from being kidnapped, so she happily accepted his dick into her, and any attempts at wooing her over was met with fury, and he did try.
"Well if it isn't my sweetie pie." Jiraiya flirted as Kushina glared at him.
"Care to repeat that pervert?" Kushina 'sweetly' said, as Jiraiya sensed imminent doom if he didn't take it back.
"I mean good day." Jiraiya said nervously, Kushina nodded at that.
"That's what I thought you said." Kushina said as she went back to what she's doing, making dinner.
This time it will be different though, he'll get her to see that he's better for her and he'll get her to think it's all her idea, he discovered a jutsu that implants suggestions into the person's mind, the implant can be whatever he wants it to be, the suggestions would reach the subject's subconscious and send a subliminal message to her brain causing her to perform the act, the suggestion in question would be buried so deep the subject would think it was their own idea or their own action.
While he would go straight to have her fuck him, there is one problem, the Kyuubi inside her, that would give her massive resistance so he'll have to do this slowly and carefully, start off with small ideas and build from there when her resistance gets lower, and he knew just how to do it. Jiraiya went to visit her again as she was making ramen for herself, he knew Minato was out on a mission currently so he had to act before he arrived.
"Hello again my beauty." Jiraiya flirted again, like before she got really mad.
"If you want to live, stop right there!" Kushina growled, Jiraiya like last time backed away but this time that was intentional, something he can use later. He waited for dinner to arrive as Kushina brought ramen.
"Not that you deserve it but here you go." Kushina said as she brought out the ramen, now was the time to strike, while she noticed nothing he used his jutsu and implanted his first idea.
This pot is very heavy, I will spill it on Jiraiya. He thought, as he finished the jutsu Kushina naturally tripped over herself and spilled it on him.
"Oh my I'm so sorry!" Kushina told him.
"It's fine, but I do need to shower." Jiraiya said, hiding his smirk.
"Of course." Kushina said, "it's up the stairs to your left." He nodded and went to the shower but not before implanting another idea.
That damn pervert keeps hitting on me, I should prank him while he's in the shower, that'll teach him. Jiraiya thought, inwardly grinning as Kushina had a wicked grin on her face, now for phase two of his plan.