Brock figured that Gardenia wasn't going to want to stray too far from Sinnoh so he'd "hitch a ride" with Dawn for the time being until he could find a better body. Wasting little time, he shot towards Dawn, flying straight into her body. Coming to, he felt the shoulder-length blue hair, beanie, shirt, skirt, and pink boots that made up the girl's usual outfit.
"Hey, Dawn, you alright?" Ash asked, "You stopped for a second there."
"Um, yeah, I'm fine." Brock said, noticing just how high-pitched her voice was, "I just, uh, thought I heard a noise."
"A noise?" Ash asked, stopping to hear a rustling sound. "Now that you mention it, I think I hear something too. C'mon, let's see what it is!" He said, running off.
Brock followed behind him. Dawn was weaker than Brock was, so she was finding it hard to keep up with Ash. That, and the constant breeze against her legs was a big distraction. Brock couldn't wait until she found somebody a little more... developed.
"Huh?" Ash said, coming to a stop a short time later, "I thought this is where that noise was coming from, but I don't see anything."
A cry filled the air as a woman leapt down from the trees, striking Ash.
"OW! What'd ya do that for?!" He cried.
"Oops, sorry. I didn't recognize you at first." She said.
"Oh, hey Gardenia! What's up?" Ash asked.
"I was just about to ask you the same question." Came the reply.
"Oh, well we were heading over to Canalave City. I wanted to try to catch a boat to Kanto since I haven't been in a while." Ash answered.
"I see!" Gardenia replied excitedly, "I'd love to visit there myself, actually."
"You would?" Brock replied, her interest suddenly piqued.
Gardenia nodded, "Uh-huh. I heard that there's a grass-type Gym Leader over there, too. I'd love to meet her."
"Oh, you must be talking about Erika." Ash said.
"Say, Gardenia, would you like to come with us?" Brock asked the Gym Leader.
"Sure thing! Just hold on a second." No sooner had she said that than a Nuzleaf appeared in front of her. "Nuzleaf, deliver this message to the other trainers in my Gym. It tells them that I'm going on a trip and I'm going to need somebody to fill in for me, okay?"
The Nuzleaf nodded and ran off.
"Alright," Gardenia said, "let's go!"
"Wait, Brock still hasn't come back yet." Ash stated.
Brock shook her head, the long hair moving felt weird to her. "Don't worry about him, I have a feeling he'll show up when we get to Canalave."
Satisfied, the trio headed out towards the city. About two hours later, they arrived in Canalave and made their way to the harbor. As they arrived, they were stopped by a voice from behind, turning to see that it was Johanna, Dawn's mother.
"Dawn, I heard you were heading towards a whole 'nother continent! Is that true?" She asked after reaching the group.
"Yeah, it is, mom." Brock stated.
"Well, I just wanted to tell you goodbye, then, and I hope you come back in one piece." She replied, hugging Brock.
"Uh, yeah, th-thanks mom." Brock said.
Watching her, she realized that she was having a hard time finding a potential candidate. Thus, Johanna seemed like as good a one as any. Suddenly, somebody caught her attention. A blonde wearing a dark blue tank top and short white skirt, with a dynamite body that filled it perfectly. She was a real beauty and would've made a great host. Then again, Johanna wasn't a bad choice at all. Oh, who to choose he lamented.
Coming to a decision, she reached into Dawn's bag and pulled out the stone, smiling.