She ate and devoured with ruthless tenacity at the entity before her. Still for every bite it grew to compensate, and with it her appetite grew ever more insatiable. Her stomach now filling even more, finding the gap left when she ripped of her belt and then demanding more space.
"Oooooh", was all she could make out between stuffing her face. Bliss was the only thing that came to mind, the taste completely unworldly as if perfect in flavor. Delicious wouldn't scrape the surface of how it tasted.
Her stomach began to groan as it was filled beyond normal capacity even for a binge, yet it was in no pain and the groans weren't of indigestion but almost as if it was saying more.
As she ate and ate, suddenly a voice came into her head.
"More, you deserve it, you've earned it Jill", was what it told her.
"That's it eat up, every last bit, let it strengthen you, build you,...fill you"
She dug in faster now oblivious to even what she was doing.
"Don't worry about your body, your gorgeous when gorged, more food means more beauty."
She stopped for a split moment rubbing her bloated belly moaning softly. Then dug back in again.
"You make me happy Jill, keep feeding me, your stomach, I've been deprived so many years. And now, you are finally letting me free, don't you dare stop."
She smirked and let out a cute belch as she globbed another handful into her mouth.
"That a girl, make me bigger, and bigger, you make me more and so too will I make you more. More beautiful, more powerful, more of a woman than ever existed."
She looked down at her now rounded stomach as it bubbled and groaned placing a hand on it to rub it slowly while still feeding herself with the other. She laughed shortly before plunging her face into the gelatinous mass feeding her, forgoing any resemblance of etiquette.