She Whirled around, but her weighty breasts flung her to the floor. "Owwww, that hurt", she groaned. Getting up, she SLOWLY turned to get the pills of the bed. She was about to pop a half dozen, then remembered the 30-minute rule. Staring lustfully at her own boobs, she thought,"What could happen", and swallowed 7 pills. She expected the growth to come in a few minutes, but as she stood, she felt her breasts immediatley warm up. From G cups to who-knows-what cups, her boobs exploded outward. Their growth was so rapid, she fell backward and hit her head on the wall, knocking herself out.
Several hours later, she felt herself coming to. As she did, she rubbed a small bump un her head."Oooooh, that's quite a bump" As she put her hands down to prop herself up, she hit something big and soft. She looked down and saw what appeared to be a giant pair of white beach balls. The balls seemed to be attached to her. They were her boobs! She clamped one hand over her mouth while her other rested on top of her monumental right tit. She braced herself on the wall and stood up. As she stood, her breasts retained a perfectly sperical shape. They were also strangely light, like two ballons. She leaned over to see the bottle of pills. Losing her balance, she collpased on the bed, using her large breasts as pillows.She reached for the pills, but her breast moived and hit it. After wrestling with her tits, she grasped the bottle. It said,"multiple dosages within 30 minutes can cause increased potency of effects."Obviously",she thought.She stood checking her clock 7:43 P.M. At least 40 minutes since she had knocked herself out. She layed back on her bed with the bottle resting on top of her breasts. Her sister's shirt she had borrowed was custom made, and could be skin tight and stretched to over 12 times it's size without tearing. After the most amount of time she had ever taken to make a decision(Or about 18 seconds), she popped the top and took another pill. then, 10 minutes later, she thought,"If my boobs stay light, I could get really big. I'll do it!" She threw the lid and took 10 pillls at once. She gazed in pure excitmenet as her breasts balloned outward, her shirt stretching and her boobs staying round. She wedged her bottle in between them for safe keeping.As they got rounder and fuller, she backed up to sit on the bed. Through sheer bad luck, a roller skate tripped her up, and, withn her increasingly bad sense of gravity, she fell and hit the head of the bed hard. Hard enough to hit her bump and knock her out...again.
As she lay unconscious, the bottle of pills wedged in her cleavage tilted forward slightly. A pill fell out of the mouth, bounced off the top of her breasts, and went right down her open mouth and throat. Another fell and went down, followed by another...and another...and another...