Author's Note: The following paragraphs recaps the ending of the Mystery Dungeon: Rescue series. If you have never played the game, and don't want any spoilers, click the next chapter below!
I felt my body lifted beyond the heavens to the stars above, as I looked back down to an unnamed world, inhabited solely by Pokemon. With my mission coming to a close, I felt the suppressing urge to neglect ascension back to the planet and Pokemon I call home. I could only gaze as the planet shrunk out of sight, crestfallen, recapping the events that have led to this.
I found the urge to open my eyes, vision blurring to meet the light and the Pokemon around me. “...regaining consciousness!” I hear a familiar voice, as the Pokemon in the town square sigh with relief.
“Hey, did all of us make it?” Riolu’s voice reached his teammates, wrought with worry. He meets my gaze, my eyes half open, while a weakened Chikorita struggles to keep his balance. As our team huddle.
“Awesome, they’re alive! Team Gauntlet is alive!” Loudred exclaimed. Everybody gathered around us, each Pokemon praising our efforts in saving the world from a falling meteor the size of a moon. Eventually, I broke free of the binding population, only to follow the voice of a silhouette to the edge of the town, where Gardevoir awaits me.
“Cyndaquil…” She spoke in her usual melodic voice, “Thanks to your efforts, peace has returned to this world. We own everything to you and your friends.” She pauses for a second before asking, “...but you know now that your role has ended, don’t you?” I look away from her eyes, crestfallen. I have to leave the world and the Pokemon I had come to call friends. Fighting the urge not to cry, I nodded in response. “World building falls into their hands now. Soon, you must return to your world. You still have time to bid farewell.”
“I...can’t! I just can’t!” I retort in response, wanting nothing more than to spare their feelings.
“If that is what you want, I won’t stop you.” Gardevoir fades away. My body shimmers, as it gradually becomes lighter, no longer tied to the ground beneath my feet. I could feel my own being caressed in the wind’s embrace before I heard a voice behind me speaking.
“Hey, Cyndaquil.” Chikorita and Riolu call out, the ladder with the first response, “Snubbull is getting a party started to celebrate our success…” They gasp, surprised of my shimmering body.
“Y...Your body! What’s happening to you?!” Chikorita chimes with fright before I could speak. I could only down, depressed that they see me like this. I have to explain things.
I brought my head up to their eye levels before speaking, “Rii...Cheeks! I’m sorry. I have to leave you now! I’m going back...back to the human world...where I belong.” Sadness reach their surprised gasps. I could swear Riolu turned away to cry his eyes out. “Please...don’t tell everyone about this. I don’t…” I struggled to speak, trembling with my voice, “I don’t want them to worry!” Chikorita’s whine breaks me in tears, but it was his hug that stung me into audible bawls. I whisper my apologies before my body ascended, caressed by the wind’s embrace. Our saddened eyes met, before my soul skyrockets into the heavens.
I struggled to voice out any rebellion. All I can of now is the people back in the world I once knew. I materialised in full, expecting to be a full fleshed human. Sadly, that was not the case when I saw my reflection. Assessing my situation, I find myself not in a town or a city, but in an open field of grass filled with Pokemon. Before I motion my body to move, I hear a rustle in grass. It was a...