One morning on the farm, Freddy was hanging with Peck and the others where Otis had this idea about shooting a movie about alien cows that come down from Earth to pollute the Earth with their space milk. Everyone at first, wanted no part of it, but then Otis bribed everyone by saying he'll send the movie to Hollywood to make it into a summer blockbuster. Everyone then got interested, except for Bessy, who said Otis had the imagination of a doofus on crack. Otis took that offensively, but shrugged it off.
As he passed out parts for the film, Freddy yelled, "Hooray! I'm going to be the mayor of Otisburg." "Actually, Freddy, that's my part." said Pig. "Oh okay, then I'm going to be the hero who beats the aliens." he spoke again. "Uh, dude, that's my part." said Pip. "Well, am I going to be the beautiful distress in distress?" he asked. "Sorry, Freddy, part's taken." said Abby. "Oh, is there a part for me?" he asked sadly. "Well, I haven't thought of it yet." said Otis, "Don't worry, I'll make sure you get a great part, Freddy." "Well, if anyone needs me, I'll be over there, by that tree." he said sadly as he walked toward the tree. "Poor Freddy." said Abby, "Otis, why didn't you give him a part?" "Hey, I'm a director/screenwriter/producer. It's not my job to enlist people." "Otis, Freddy's our pal. He needs to have a great part." said Peck. "Yeah you're right. I'll enlist him...when we're done shooting. Places people!" he said on a bull-horn.
Sitting sadly as he watched his friends having fun shooting the film, Freddy said, "It isn't fair. I could be an alien cow bent on Earth's Annihilation or some pretty lady in terrible danger. If only someone could see that I have acting material." As he sat in misery, someone grabbed him from behind and covered his eyes and mouth with their hands. As he got his view back, he found himself inside the barn tied to a chair and his captor was...