She looked around the courtyard, seeing the lesser beings at her feet stare up at the enormous feline wonder, then scatter into the building. "Don't worry," she said to the crowds, grinning, "I'm not in the mood to hurt anyone right now." Shiera looked at the clock in the center of the courtyard. It was 8:50; her friends would be gathering outside the cafeteria. She lifted her long, slender leg over the building and stepped out of the courtyard, walking around to the backside of the building.
Three students were hanging out, leaning against the wall next to the cafeteria. When they saw the mammoth tigress approaching, their mouths fell open in amazement. Vikki, a voluptuous filly, was the first to speak. "Damn, Shiera, is that you?"
The tigress simply smiled. "Who else?" she asked. "What do you think?"
"F'n A," Diego said as he stepped closer to Shiera's footpaw. "I don't know how you did it, but I think it's great. I'd never thought I'd see you naked before," he added, as Shiera noticed the jackal adjusting his pants slightly. She started wiggling her toes, causing Diego to fall back, panting.
"How are you going to fit into the school building now?" Mia asked.
Snorting, Shiera shook her head at the worried fruit bat. "Who needs school now when you're this big? C'mon, guys, let's ditch this place and go have some fun."
The three nodded, agreeing to the plan. Shiera picked them up in one quick scoop and placed her tiny friends on her shoulder, Diego and Mia on the left, and Vikki on the right. Stepping away from the school, she headed out into the city, ready to have some fun.