"Good idea," says the giant. He turns off the shower, begins running the bath water, and sits down, his enormous body filling the entire oversized bath tub. You sit down at the opposite side, with his giant feet rising above the water on either side of you. You cannot help but pick one up and massage the soft, we, slippery sole as the giant slinks down in relaxation.
"Mmmmm. That feels soooo good little man. How about washing them, too, while you're down there?"
You grab a bar of soap and begin scrubbing the giant's feet. He tenses up and laughs as you wash between his giant toes, wiggling and scrunching his feet. When his feet are sufficiently clean, you move up to his muscular legs. As you wash his thighs, you see some movement in his crotch area below the water. You climb over it to wash the giant's rock hard abs and chest. As you are rubbing the soap over his enormous chest, you feel his giant cock harden and press into your stomach. You are amazed at how big just the head feels against your belly button. The giant is now fully aroused and grabs you below the armpits with his strong hands and begins to push and pull your body back and forth against his cock in the soapy water, moaning with excitement. Suddenly, he pulls you right up to his face, and before you can react, roughly kisses you. You are immediately taken aback and try to back away as you had never kissed a guy before, and were not ready for it, but he puts his giant hand behind your head, just about covering the whole thing and forcefully pushes you in. His mouth is so big his lips cover yours and his giant, slippery, but strong tongue fills your mouth. You have no choice but to give in to it.
In the midst of the excitement you realize how aroused you are and how good the giants wet, soapy abs feel against your cock and you involuntarily begin to hump him. It isn't long before you climax, cumming all over the giant's stomach. The giant pulls you away from his face and pushes you down to his cock, which you wrap your tiny hands around and rub up and down as hard as you can, his precum mixing with the bath water until he cums all over your face, neck, and chest. You collapse on his exhausted body.
"Well, I guess we need another shower." The giant drains the batch water and you both rinse off, then get out and dry off. What now?