Oliver used to come in the woods, he liked this place more than anything, it was so quiet... He liked this silence, especially after a hard day and unfortunately, it was becoming more and more common lately. The main reason was that he was the "fat guy" of the school and like all fat guy, he was bullied. But He could stand it less and less this situation. Today he had tried to defend himself, something he almost never did, and as he feared, his attempt was a total failure. And of course, this provoked the total hilarity of his stalkers, which made him feel even worse. He hated this situation more than anything else, but he couldn't see any solution to it.
*If only I could transform myself like in anime* Oliver thought. He doesn't know why but he started to concentrate. It was silly, he knew, but he was more than tired of it.
Kevin, who had "heard" everything because of his powers, smiled. "Oh but my dear Oliver you are in an anime. " he said, a wry smile.
*... I would so much like to be muscular. I would so much like to be muscular...* repeated desperately Oliver. *I would like so much to be... What do you do dude? You're in real life, not in an anime. What did you expect? Obviously it not wo...???*
But as he was about to open his eyes again, a strange, intense sensation came over him. It was a very brief moment but... definitely not "normal".
*What the??? What was that just now? Wait, don't tell me that...*
He concentrated again, imagining his body growing, stretching and tearing his clothes, growing again and again and again. And then, he felt it again, that strange sensation, it was weak but... it became more intense. In fact, the more he concentrated on it the more it seemed to increase.
*WHAT THE??? Is it working? Is it REALLY working??? No Oliver, you must be dreaming, I mean it's not possible that... that I can...*
He concentrated even more and... he felt it spread throughout his body, it was both exciting and disturbing. Definitely, something was happening. And something was definitively happening: Oliver couldn't see it but his fat body seemed to melt.
"Oh god, OH MY GOD!" exclaimed Oliver in smiling. He had not yet noticed what was really happening but he could feel it, the sensation was becoming more and more intense, his body was boiling more and more.
*A-am I really the one doing this? Am I really controlling it?* he thought. Obviously, he didn't know it was Kevin who was really responsible for it.
Oliver stopped his concentration to confirm this. Instantly, Kevin stopped also the growth. Feeling the sensation and the heat diminish, Oliver laughed, being convinced that it was indeed he who controlled. He resumed his tirade in his head, repeating it over and over with much more conviction.
*I want to be muscular! I want to be muscular! I WANT TO BE MUSCULAR*
Immediately, Kevin resumed Oliver's muscle growth.
The teenager moaned, his body was burning more and more but it was not painful, it was even rather... pleasant, very pleasant! he also began to have a thin film of sweat and it was not all: he noticed that his clothes seemed to be getting wider. Oliver couldn't see it but in fact, his fat body was melting like snow in the sun. His double chin disappeared little by little, his neck became thinner, his belly seemed to deflate, his fat arms became more and more firm. His pants would have fallen down by themselves if he hadn't had a belt. The boy who was nicknamed pig, went from the one who dressed in XXL to the one who had clothes several sizes too large. Oliver was now slim, really slim!
As he was about to open his eyes again, thinking it was over, his body began to react strangely, more specifically his muscles. It's as if they flex automatically, like with electro-stimulation. It was subtle at first, but it wasn't long before he noticed that it was getting stronger. At first his face showed a smile that became more and more neutral as the sensation grew and it didn't look like it was going to stop. Oliver's face began to tense up a bit and he began to moan a little more painfully.
"Oh god gggnnnnnnnnhhhh this is so... aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh intense!" he moaned.
He was also getting hotter and hotter, which made him sweat more and more.
He couldn't see it, having his eyes closed, but under his shirt, his flat stomach showed very slightly 6 bumps, and what was more surprising was that their definition became more and more pronounced with every second, as if they were pushing more and more towards the outside. And it was not only his stomach, it was his whole body which was changing more and more: his arms were subtly swelling, his neck was thickening, his back was starting to widen, his quads were getting bigger.
The contraction became almost unbearable, as if the intensity of the EMS belt had been pushed beyond the maximum. His face was extremely tense and he moaned heavily in pain but he also felt it: his body was changing and for nothing in the world he would have wanted to stop.
It had only been a few minutes, but it felt like hours. He still couldn't see it but now his flat belly was not so flat anymore: he proudly sported 6 bumps that were much more visible, his neck was not so thin anymore and small hills were emerging on the sides, his arms were the size of a tennis ball, his shoulders were well rounded balls, his back gently sported a nice V shape, his quads were now cut into several hills. Oliver now looked like a teenage athlete spending his life in a gym. He was also starting to feel tighter and tighter in his clothes but this time, the reason was quite different.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" he still moaned. Even the tone of his voice seemed to have changed. Then, in addition to his moans, another sound was added, that of the stretching fabric. His new muscular body began to fill his clothes completely. He could feel his skin rubbing, pushing against the fabric, the latter tightening him more and more. He had gone from a fat teenager to a thin teenager and now to a bodybuilder.
Suddenly the burning intensified more and more! Tears began to flow from his eyes, the stretching noise became louder and louder while muscle growth seemed to be accelerating as well.
"OH GOD! OH MY GOD! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" roared Oliver in a final "muscle-plosion". Then the burning sensation weakens until it disappears. It was over.
Oliver gasped for several dozen seconds before opening his eyes, which were still wet from his tears. Oliver looked down and... his first reaction was amazement, followed by a big smile. Oliver felt tight in his clothes but for a reason he never thought he would ever experience: his fat body, had melted and had been replaced by... muscles! His neck was surrounded by borning traps, his shoulders were muscular rounded, His biceps showed a nice peak of muscle, his man boobs had been replaced by pecs, his belly had also been replaced by six boulders, hard as concrete, visible through his shirt, his back had a nice V shape, his muscular quads pressed against the fabric. His appearance was much closer to a superhero than a fat guy.
"Oh fuck, OH FUCK! It happened! It REALLY happened!" laughed Oliver, euphoric. he noticed that his voice was deeper, more virile. It was probably due to the bull neck he now had.
In the end, the day didn't end so bad.
Kevin was about to teleport elsewhere when suddenly a thought crossed Oliver's mind, he could have stopped there, to be "satisfied" with this unexpected muscle growth but deep inside him, there was one word that sounded louder and louder: "More". Compared to what he was before, the transformation was total but he looked like someone who had been training for a few years in a gym. He didn't look superhuman, just muscular. But why settle for so little? Oliver wanted more, much more, to become like the Hulk.
Still believing he had powers, Oliver closed his eyes again and concentrated.
*I want more! MUCH MORE! I want to be a fucking titan, able to lift and crush a tank like it was paper!!!*
Kevin smiled. He had not planned at the base to make Oliver "so big" but why not, it would be a good opportunity to see what his powers were capable of and then he too had always dreamed to attend this kind of scene.
It was time to make Oliver's fantasy a reality!