"Well, that about does it - is your wallet empty?" Travis joked, as the clerk rang up a good sized sale.
"Never thought about the 'cost' of getting big before!" Jason joked back. "Fortunately, the ole bank account can stand it! Grandma to the rescue!" he added.
The clerk - a guy bigger than Travis - folded the three pairs of bigger jeans (in two sizes!) and two new bigger tops neatly into a carrier bag, then added the new underwear to the side.
"Nice doing business with you, gents," he thanked them, "hope to see you again!" He added a paper-wrapped item to the top of the bag.
"What's that?" Jason inquired.
"Another 500 calories!" Travis laughed. "It's a cookie - a sinfully rich cookie, just the thing for a guy looking to gain! But if you don't want it, I'll gladly eat it!"
"No, it's mine, I bought all this stuff!" Jason shot back, grinning. He grabbed the paper packet and ripped it open. Inside, an enormous cookie, thickly studded with chocolate chips, walnuts and raisins, seemed nearly to glow.
"You're opened it, now you've gotta eat it," remarked the clerk.
Jason grabbed the cookie, chomped and chewed, then moaned.
"Oh, this is SO good!" he affirmed. He took another bite, then another. "And so BIG!" he added, needing a fourth bite just to finish the cookie.
"Just like you'll be if you keep eating them," the clerk added helpfully.
"That's kind of the point of this outing - he wants to be bigger," Travis noted positively.
"I noticed that," the clerk replied, "it was kind of obvious when he bought loose jeans, and then added the next size up."
"Just accommodating future growth," Travis observed.
"He's not the only frosh I've had in this week," the clerk added. "Bring him back when he needs more and bigger."
"Oh, I will."
"Of course, you'll be back soon yourself, I expect," the clerk added. "Travis, right? I've helped you before."
"Right. And he's Jason."
"I'm Seb. Get him to use the code on the receipt to register for discounts. You too."
"Will do," Travis affirmed, then started to follow Jason back out into the mall.
"Food next!" Jason said briskly, as Travis caught up. The two growing young men continued down the mall at a leisurely pace. Shortly, they arrived in front of a set of broad doors. Above, a huge sign announced "The Bountiful Spread." The two boys didn't hesitate, but headed inside.
Just inside the doors, at the maitre d's station, they were greeted by....