At first you dismiss the tingling, but the sensation spreads and suddenly your skin is itching all over your body, like ants are crawling on you. You gasp in surprise as a strange twisting sensation grips your insides, and resist the urge to double over. Glancing down at your arm, you are startled to watch your skin darken to an olive hue. Instinctively, you turn to look at the full length dressing mirror on the wall.
Before your eyes, your body seems to shrink, your muscular, six-foot-plus frame rapidly diminishing to a slender, feminine physique no more than five-foot-six. At the same time, your hair turns from jet black to a fiery auburn color and quickly descends to the middle of your back, and your long, thick beard thins and disappears, leaving the smooth, pretty contours of your face bare. You blink in surprise as your eyes suddenly turn from deep brown to a vivid green.
More shocking changes are to come. Two fleshy mounds virtually erupt from your chest, quickly filling out the halter you are wearing. Peculiar sensations farther down cause you to reach for your groin in a panic. Much to your horror, your penis shrinks away to nothing under your hand, to be replaced by the mound and labia of a woman's sex.
Confused and frightened, you drop to your knees and stare in shock at the slave girls, who are watching you with bright, eager eyes. In the midst of your bemusement, you suddenly realize that you are now a composite of all the girls, combining traits from each of them. "What have you done to me?" you exclaim, startling yourself with the sultry contralto that is now your voice.
Fatin giggles. "We are merely helping you to explore your other side, Master." She takes hold of your arm and helps you to your feet. Tahirah takes hold of your other arm, as if to steady you. "Come, let's go to the women's quarters," Fatin continues. "Everything will seem much clearer after you have a chance to rest and get your bearings."