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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1147339-Arabian-nights-gender-changing-world/cid/348595-You-visit-the-Bazaar
by milida
Rated: GC · Interactive · Fantasy · #1147339
John must reach the exit of this world without becoming a woman
This choice: Think it is best to leave the market and go to the bazaar instead  •  Go Back...
Chapter #5

You visit the Bazaar

    by: milida
Shivering you decide it is best to leave the market as that women was getting on your nerves.

You decide that one last to the central market bazaar might be the order of the day. At it you could buy almost anything but people (that was the sole prerogative of the slave market you had just left).

There were an immense variety of foods, clothes, ornaments, trinkets and animals on sale. During your sojourn you meet another woman you would rather not see, the mother of a girl you had briefly had an affair with. You had heard after wards that the women was actually a witch but you doubted that as she hadn't turned you into a toad and if she could have she probably would have.

“I’m Elsa have you forgotten me” she loudly declared as you tried to find some escape route "I'm so glad to see you again"

She then continues "You must come and see the magic section, we’re heading that way so why don’t you join us”

Before you knew it, you were being directed into a rather dark alley that opened to a small courtyard. It was an absolutely amazing place, as everything magical from 1001 nights was available for sale in that section, plus more. There were magic carpets, invisibility clocks and all sorts of potions and transforming devices. There were magical skins that would make some one look like a pig, a dog or almost any animal.

Elsa particularly made sure you saw the skins for looking like a woman. In her normal loud fashion she declared “Him now John wouldn't you look cute in one of those"

You give her a rather pained look. That of course only encouraged her to bait you further “John you do make to much of a fuss on the matter, I believe secretly you want to be feminised. Maybe I’ll buy you a suit and send it discretely to you residence”

You shake your head angrily "I',m not at all interested in one of those skins"

Much to your chagrin she laughed loudly and declared “Hmm your probably right! The skin suit perhaps isn't the best option, maybe you would prefer an alternative more permanent solution, as it is rather easy to get in and out of the suit you know. Instead you could use one of the those medallions or potions that make you look like the person whose clothing you last touched, or there is that water from the maiden spring”

After pausing she excitedly declared “That would be good as it turns you into your fantasy woman doesn’t it. Indeed, they use the water as a punishment in some villages” with a shudder she added “Most peoples sexual fantasy are generally a horrible thing to be, serves them right I suppose”

Gazing directly into your eyes she asked “and what would your fantasy girl be like John?” Before you could answer she said riley “Big breasted, blond and stupid I suppose. You better not use that option then”

Angrily you retort “Women are of course generally kept well away from the maiden spring and its waters, as I suppose otherwise we would have no woman. Who would want to be female when you could be a male? I gather it is a very serious offence to give to a woman isn’t it”

“Yes” Elsa snapped back “ but where there is a will there is a way. Mind you whilst I do not wish to be a slave to a man, I have no personal desire to be one and I’m sure there are some men who want to be women, even in this backward world”

Then she added with a grin “Like you perhaps John?. My daughter has put an add in the local paper looking for such a man so she may exchange gender with them”

I stared back at her stony faced and held my tongue, having learnt that any response seemed to worsen the situation.

She then laughed and blew some powder in your face.

You have the following choices:

1. The powder has no effect

2. You find your will disolving

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1147339-Arabian-nights-gender-changing-world/cid/348595-You-visit-the-Bazaar