You quickly dismissed the girl then decided to go and drown your despair in your dinning room. After you became a little tipsy and stumbled as you went to get another bottle from your pantry. The sound of the bottle crashing on the floor seemed to catch one your maids by surprise, she rushed in and asked, "Are you okay Master can I do anything to help?"
You shook your head and said, "No," before you added, "but thank you for asking."
Liadne smiled as she bobbed and got back to her labors in the kitchen. You softly sighed as you admired that girl. You knew that she enjoyed working for you simply because you did not treat her like scum for not being born into wealth like your peers and yourself of course.
You finally sat down on the couch to rest your eyes whilst Liadne continued to scurry about the room. As you blinked through your alcohol clouded eyes, you called out to her for a glass of water.
She quickly acknowledged you and came over with the glass. She handed it to you and you smiled as you thanked her and took a sip.
As she bobbed her head as she said you were welcome and turned away. As she did, your now clouded better judgment failed to stop you from gently caressing her smooth arm.
Liadne came to a sudden stop as she looked down into your lustful eyes. There was no escaping your attraction for her.
You were a bit surprised by your actions yourself as you took her by the hand. Her hands were much rougher than your pampered harem girls and even your own.
You then stood up and basically forced yourself onto her. Liadne was genuinely surprised, but she kissed back.
It was not long before you were leading her to your master bedroom a place she probably had cleaned countless times. You then placed her down upon the bed and began to make love.
After you finished, you saw a worried look come across her face.
"What's wrong?" you asked as she placed her head on my chest.
"I don't understand what a man like you can see in me," she replied sadly.
"I see a lot in you because I choose to look."
She sighed "We're from two different worlds master and you have a harem full of pretty girls"
"We're two people, that's all we are," you countered, still too drunk to come up with a better worded response.
"That's not all there is."
"Then what is there?" you asked.
"Men like you don't even look at girls like me," Liadne finally answered.
"Men like me don't look at you? I think this kind of shows that I'm not quite the man you think I am," you replied as you pulled her close.
She snuggled up against you but she did not address your statement. After a brief period of silence, she asked, "Have you ever spoken so freely with another maid?"
You hesitated before you admitted the truth, "Not in this compound I guess, but I literally grew up around maids. I was
raised by a wonderful woman named Sashra. She was my mother's maid and she was everything to me when I was growing up."
Liadne then shot you a look that basically said, 'Well, that explains a lot.'
You smiled at the look as you stroked her side and said, "Sashra was wonderful. She was so sweet and..."
Liadne then kissed your cheek, bringing an end to your description of the woman you most revered.
Liadne then then looked you in the eyes and asked, "So where is she now?"
"She's gone."
"She went back home?"
"No. She passed away many years ago in an accident," you softly answered.
"I'm sorry to hear that," she said in response.
"You can't change the past," you replied solemnly.
"Have you even told anyone else about her?"
You shake your head "Not really"
"So have you've kept it a secret all these years?"
"Yes" you simply responded
As she ran her fingers across my stomach, she smiled and said, "I have to ask then. If you shared one secret, maybe you'll share another."
"What do you want to know?" you asked as a smile came across my face.
"What's in that locked room in the tower?" she inquired.
You were momentarily surprised that she asked the question. You were of course not surprised that she knew about it. She had been in the tower several times and surely would have noticed that the door had two locks.
Before you could respond, she filled the silence by adding, "The blinds and curtains are always drawn on those two windows. There's never any light or fresh air..."
You grimaced for a second before you replied "It's a secret of course"
As she saw the smile come across your face, she responded "Well, you told me about why you liked me. For a man like you, is there anything more embarrassing?"
You saw the coy smile on her face as you answered, "Liking you could never be embarrassing."
She laughed a bit and shook her head while she rolled her eyes and said ""I bet your friends and harem girls would disagree."
You of course could not contest that assertion, so you replied, "It's just a private matter."
Liadne nodded and asked, "So does anyone else know?"
"No. It wouldn't be private then would it liadne?" you retorted before you smiled to lessen the pithy nature of my response.
"So I would be the first?" she asked with a grin.
"You would be, but..."
"Oh, come on. Let me see it, John"
You were a bit surprised that Liadne had called you John. She had never called you by your first name before, but you guessed it would have been absurd to maintain the master servant formalities whilst you were sharing a bed.
You shook your head, deeply embarrassed by the contents of the room as you replied, "I really don't want anyone to know."
She then wedeled "Oh, come on. It's just me. It won't go beyond me, and if it did, who'd listen. You're the great and famous John LeMure and I'm just one of your maids. Do you think anyone would believe me?"
You smiled and thought about her response. It seemed perfectly logical to your drunken mind. Even more the prospect of finally exposing your secret to someone was making you evermore excited, you finally broke down and told her "Okay Liadne I will show you what is in the room"
You then pulled back the covers and took her by the hand. Both nude, you strolled out of your room, through the upstairs hallway and towards the stairs that led to the tower. You could sense that Liadne was eager to see what was beyond the door as she rushed up the attic stairs before you. You were happy about that, given that her tight, shapely body was far more attractive to look at from behind than yours was.
Once you reached the top of the stairs, you entered the tower then followed Liadne towards the door. You stopped to retrieve the keys from the spot that you had hid it in. Liadne seemed to marvel by how well you had hidden them beneath a random, fake floorboard that seamlessly matched the others.
You felt a bit uneasy as you approached the door with the keys, ready to show someone else what you had kept hidden at all cost. You turned the key and unlocked the first lock before you turned your attention to the second one.
After you unlocked it you paused to think once more about what you were doing. You knew how foolish revealing your secret to Liadne was, but your drunken state and ever growing desperation to share it with someone got the better of you.
As you pushed the door open, you saw Liadne curiously peering over your shoulder, trying to get a good look at the room. She hurried through the doorway and came to a stop as she looked around the simple room once you turned
the light on.
Liadne seemed perplexed by the simple, unadorned room. She shook her head as she turned to you and said, "It's so clean"
That was not the reaction you had anticipated, but you simply nodded and said, "I guess it is"
"It's immaculate. It had to be cleaned recently," she replied
She ran her finger across the top of the dresser and detected not a speck of dust. She shook her head at her finding, not understanding how the room was so clean if she or any other maid was prohibited from entering in it.
Whilst flashing you a perplexed look, she said, "What so special about this room?"
"Nothing, it's just...," you began to respond before she interjected and asked, "Who cleans it?"
"Who cleans this room? It was cleaned within the last few days, if not today. Who did this?"
You paused