You rub your nose nervously, as she hums and haws without coming out with anything specific. Mary looks bigger than previously, her shape is hard to make out in the imperfect light. As your eyes adjust you stare harder, as the head popping out of the sheet doesn't just look sickly. It looks positively doesn't look like Mary. In fact, the face looks male with a strong chin.
"That's Mary?" you ask in disbelief, "Is... is she going to be okay? Will I be all right?"
"Oh he'll be fine."
"Good, good." you are reassured. "Wait a second, did you say HE'LL be fine."
"Well yes, the disease seems to cause the sufferer to change gender." it is unusual to see a whip mistress this uncertain.
"Are you sure... everybody she's slept with is infected. Is she that contagious? -cough-" You can't keep your voice from trembling. Your cough doesn't do much to make you appear masterful.
The Whip Mistress comes towards you, and reaches one hand out to steady you. But as her hand settles on your shoulder, you are surprised to find she lets it slip down to your chest. But worse you are shocked to find that you are starting to develop breasts. As your nipples are more aware of the fabric, and the warm hand on the other side than you ever thought possible.
-cough- -cough-
You manage to turn your head, so that you don't cover the mistress in spittle, but with a sinking heart you feel your new nipples and breasts expand to fill more of her hand.
Looking down you see that you now have a cleavage, and tighten up your top so that you are less likely to reveal your growing femininity.
Your hands dive to your crotch as a worry grows in your mind. Thankfully the boys are still there, as you feel the familiar bulge in your trousers.
"Don't worry, that's usually the last to go." The whip mistresses tone is less than sympathetic. "I think you're an A-cup already, my dear." she chuckles at her little joke.
"You'll be on the itty-bitty-titty-committee, soon."
You grab a glass of water when you feel a tickle at the back of your throat. However it seems to continue to climb your throat. Finally it vanishes, but you let loose a long fart. Immediately you feel your ass expand within your trousers.
"Shall I show you the other patrons." she asks rather too sweetly.
She leads you through a set of double doors, into one of the brothel's dormitories. All ten beds are filled with women, not that unusual for a brothel.
"Are all... all these..."
"Yes, John they were all former customers of Mary." The girls at the far end are very buxom, and those nearer the doors less feminine.
"Were they infected sooner than those girls." you point to those further away, and then the nearer ones. Suddenly you realise that referring to the 'girls', you too might become one of the 'girls' yourself, and you don't like your prospects if you complete your change in a brothel.