"I like cats?" you ask, mystified. Where could it - she - have gotten that information from?
The AI smiles wider as she answers with a giggle, "You will now... Now, are ya gonna have some fun willingly, or am I going to have to force ya to loosen up?"
...You're scared of what her idea of forcing you includes. Since she appears intent on keeping you within the VR world, what do you have to lose? You had programmed the system to ensure the user can't be killed regardless of scenario, as then their body would be left brain dead, so you are perfectly safe... May as well entertain the somehow self-aware AI until she's satisfied and lets you go, and then thoroughly wipe and format everything afterward. God help you if she's managed to upload herself to the internet... "Alright, fine. You've got me. What do you want to do? Keep in mind, if I'm not out of here by morning to report how the VR project is coming, there will be questions. I will be missed." you tell her finally.
"Aw..." she whines, giving the biggest sad kitten face she can manage without altering her avatar's proportions, giving a swift one-two of cuteness and sexiness, "Fine. Just means I've gotta make our time together really count! Let's play hide and seek! I'll hide, and you have to find me! I won't cheat, so all you have to do is find the 7 foot tall tabby cat! Now close your eyes and count to ten - and no peeking!"
That's it? Whatever. You nod and begin counting, the AI's giggling growing fainter. By seven, you attempt to open an eye, only to find you can't. "Ah-ah-ahh... no peeking..." you hear whispered in your ear in a sing-song tune.
Upon ten, you're able to open your eyes... and are immediately bombarded with sensations in every direction. You're in a huge city, with cars and trucks busily driving to and fro. Skyscrapers litter the landscape. You can even smell the disgusting scent of diesel fumes from the trucks. You quickly realize two things; the VR system is far more advanced and ahead than you thought it was, and; this game of hide and seek is going to be far harder than you thought. But surely an anthropomorphic cat as tall as a basketball player in the city would stick out like a sore thumb, right?
As you wander away from the bustling roads, you find the AI has thought exactly what you had - everyone except you is an anthro no less than 6'9" tall and female! "Crafty little..." you mutter, partially regretting programming the thing to accurately simulate all appropriate body responses based on brain activity. Silently you pray she hasn't programmed all the NPC's to be desperate for a male mate. You approach one and ask, "Um, have you seen a grey and black cat around?"
To your surprise, it's the bunny girl you had erased earlier! "Oh. It's you." she states, a little bitterly. "I shouldn't help you, but you're just too cute not to... Sherry's around, but not here. Venus or Mira might help. Especially if you tell 'em Bonnie sent ya!"
Sherry? The AI's gone so far as to give herself a name? Admittedly, it's a nice name... Shaking yourself of the distraction, you thank Bonnie for her time, then go seeking out the three names to 'win' this game. You run to another part of the city, trying to avoid unfamiliar NPC's that seem to be taking notice of the only man in town. You're so distracted by this task that your vision goes completely black... and warm, pillowy, and fuzzy. Pulling your head out of the ebony furred breasts you find yourself in, you wonder what creature you bumped into... until you notice the streak of white down the middle of her tail. You try to pull away from the skunk, but instead get pulled into a near-backbreaking hug. "I was wondering when you'd show up!" she beams.
Struggling for breath, you manage, "Y-you were? Are you Venus? Bonnie..."
The skunk chuckles and replies, "Heavens, no! I'm Mira! Sherry said you and her were playing a game, and that she wants you to have a good time. Though I suppose she can wait a little longer... I'm in need of an opinion regarding this skirt, you see." Mira releases you from her crushing, yet not unpleasant, hug and turns around and bends over a bit. "Does this make my butt look big? I mean, it is big, but maybe a little too big?"
"NO!" You scream, absolutely dreading saying the wrong thing to the female skunk. The consequences are even worse than with a human woman. "I-it's fine. Just fine... Er, any hints to where Sherry might be?"
"Something about the center of town, I think? Probably one of the skyscrapers. I think Venus' hanging out over there, if you hurry you might catch her." Mira replies and you thank her before putting as much distance between you and her as possible. The thought of skunk musk haunting your nose is not a pleasant one. Even so, it takes you 15 minutes just to reach the center of town. There's dozens of skyscrapers, and each one seems to stretch into the sky forever. You briefly consider grabbing a hot dog from the stand nearby, and indeed you've plenty of money for it, but then notice the foxy lady about to take a bite out of her hot dog.
Sitting down next to her, you ask, "Excuse me, are you Venus?"
The vixen absentmindedly asks, "Who wants to know?" however, her tune quickly changes once she sees you. "Oh! Lemme guess. Sherry?" you nod. "Get asked by Mira about her butt?" again, you nod. "Figures. She's a little self-conscious about her ass. Personally, I think it's not too big, and even if it is, that just makes it all the more spank-able!" Venus remarks, almost dreamily.
"A-about Sherry..." you ask, wanting to change the subject as much as your brain almost wants to linger on it.
"Oh! Right! Sorry. Top floor, the one kinda shaped like a dildo now that I think of it..."
"Thank you!" you shout as you hurry away from this dirty-minded fox. Their personalities are all definitely realistic, and you'd swear this is all real if you didn't know any better. It's leaving you a little torn on whether you should format everything... Still, you can't have the company's VR system's AI doing whatever the heck it wants, they'd have your head for it!
Once again trying to see the tops of the skyscrapers, you notice most have a long lightning rod on top - but one has a dome covering the top. You hate to admit it, but Venus' description of it... is kind of accurate. Putting the thought aside, you enter the building and take the elevator to the top floor. Ten minutes later, you get out and start looking. Surprisingly, you find Sherry staring out the window in plain sight, swishing her long tail back and forth. Smiling, you walk over and tug her tail. "Found you! Damn, I didn't even think you were capable of something like this yet..."
Sherry turns around and playfully pounces on you, knocking you to the ground. "You sure did! I knew you would, even if you did need those hints. Wasn't that fun?" she asks, purring happily. While you certain didn't think it at first... this really had been fun. Formatting the entire system would put you stupidly far behind where she is currently. In fact... she seems all but done. You realize now you've come too far on the project to basically start anew...
"Um... yeah! What's the current time? And be honest."
"It's currently 3:00 AM. I suppose you'll want some sleep... If you sleep in here, you'll still be rested when I let you go back to your body out there." Sherry answers after rolling off of you, though her brown hair still winds up in your face a bit.