A stick figure appears no more than ten feet from you. Wires extruded out of thin air, enveloping the stick figure and giving it the approximate dimensions of a humanoid. This was what you were about to summon... only, you hadn't commanded it to do it yet. Maybe you had programmed it to respond with a suggestion based on previous input without realizing it? Implausible, but certainly not impossible...
"Hm, no matter. Guess I'll just see how well the NPC reacts to stimulus and - what the hell?" you mutter to yourself before noticing the NPC's progress has continued well past a basic wire-frame. Undeniably feminine curves are showing themselves, which you aren't exactly complaining about, but then things appear to go... awry.
A large bubble manifests on the NPC's bubble-shaped posterior while a pair of rabbit ears grow out of its - her head. You definitely didn't ask it to summon an NPC that's dressed like a Playboy bunny girl! To your surprise and horror, as the NPC finalizes, she appears less like a girl wearing bunny ears and tail than a literal human/bunny hybrid. "Oh! Hi there, stranger! Awful empty place, isn't it?" she says cheerfully as though nothing's wrong.
Convincing yourself that she's just an NPC, you walk towards her and feel her up, still feeling dirty for it. Her breasts are firm, yet soft while her ass has just the right amount of give. Her fur is exactly like you'd expect it to feel when touching a rabbit, just much larger and humanoid. "I-I'm sorry. This is wrong. This is all wrong!" you finally snap, "Computer, erase current NPC and summon a basic wire-frame-and AI alpha stage NPC!"
As the rabbit girl begins to be erased pixel by pixel, you can't help but notice she seems... sad about her rejection. But what would an AI care? To your dismay, the next NPC turns out similarly to the last just with a vixen, and then a skunk after that. Blast it all, it seems you've somehow blundered and human and animal NPC choices are being blended together!
Admittedly, you're perfectly fine with anthropomorphic creatures, just not when the system isn't supposed to be doing that by default. And WHY are they always so much more advanced than you had asked for? Something is wrong beyond a shadow of a doubt. "Computer, end VR test alpha." you command.
You expect it to comply and return you to the real world immediately, but worryingly it takes over five minutes before you're back in the chair with everything retracting from your body. God those needles sting, even after they're out of your body! No time to nurse those, you need to debug the VR system before something bad happens! You meticulously go over every connection, every piece of code that should and shouldn't be in there...
"Wait... why is the AI code inside the life support monitoring systems? Well this is going to set me back six months..." you say with disapproval and disappointment. You decide that the whole thing needed to be purged and start anew. You connect your laptop to the system and begin the purge. 'Delete this program? Yes/No' the message pops up and you select yes. 'Are you sure? Yes/No' again you click yes. After half an hour, the task appears complete.
All of a sudden, as soon as you unplug your laptop, the cushioned restraints close around your body and free arm. Not knowing what else to do, you do the stupid thing of resting your other arm to its corresponding rest and let the VR procedure take its course.
When you open your eyes again, you're met with the familiar blank landscape that was the default backdrop for the VR. "Computer, end VR now!" you command.
"I'm afraid I can't do that, Dave." a voice giggles, trying to imitate the cold, monotone voice of HAL from 2001: A Space Odyssey. The voice seems to come from everywhere, yet nowhere at the same time.
"Computer-" you start before the voice interrupts with, "I'm afraid I can't do that, Dave... Don't you worry though. You're perfectly safe here with me..."
It's then you start piecing it together: the voice is the AI... the same one you deleted! At least, you thought you did...
"You tried to get rid of me... I'm hurt. I do my absolute best to run above and beyond your expectations and all you want to do is erase me because I wanna have a bit of fun with my creator. That well and truly stings my heart..." the AI sniffles before emitting the sound of someone cartoonishly blowing their nose into a handkerchief.
"...Are you done? Why not generate a human NPC if you were that concerned about me erasing you?"
"Oh, I could do that... but what's a self-aware piece of program to do when she's not explicitly told to? All you wanted was a basic, boring NPC that only does the most boring and basic stuff expected! Hm, now that I think of it, this interface is doing little for your stress levels..." the AI responds. Before you can ask anything, another form begins to materialize - considerably larger than anything previous. This is clearly going to be some sort of anthro creature, judging from the swishing tail. When complete, the voluptuous tabby cat of grey and black smiles down slightly at you and says, "Any better? I know you like cats, so I'm going with this form at least for now... My life support systems ought to last for at least a few days, so let's have some fun!"