The door opens once more, while you are still a pool of water gathered in the bottom of the room. You are worried she is going to step in you, but she pauses on the dry floor that forms a sort of rim around the basin that holds you and she addresses, well, you.
"Hello miss, and I hope you enjoyed your time as water, with the room duplicating the entire cycle for you to experience. While you are fully water, in this room you can move ever so slightly, for example, ripple once if you understand me miss"
Focusing you realize she is right, feeling your liquid self and you form a single ripple that tickles as it moves from your center outward and you see her smile above you. "Very well miss, then let me present your options, starting with the most extreme. I can open a valve and release you from the grounds of the mansion, allowing you to flow into the local river and there down to the sea. That would be a one way trip where you would permanently enter the water cycle of the Earth, which would be quite soothing I am sure, and also allow you to exist, pretty much forever, but with no chance to ever be restored or transformed by magic again. You would be totally at the whim of natural processes forever and all time. For that option, I need you to ripple endlessly, simply froth yourself up. Almost no one chooses that the first time."
She pauses and goes on, "Option two is the safest, where I simply place your clothes here, pour this antidote," as she holds up a small vial, "into you, and leave while you reform back to your human self. If you did not enjoy your time as water, or wish to explore other aspects of the mansion, choose this and ripple once"
A brief pause and she smiles "The last option is the middle one, where I open the drain in this basin to join the water supply of the mansion. This allows you to take on any role water would have here, but all within the confines of the mansion and its magic. You can be reformed eventually, but not for many days as you circulate various forms around the grounds. We always start by adding you to the swimming pool, but from there, well, who can say? Bath water, used to wash dishes, toilets, maybe out to the grounds to water the shrubbery? You will be whatever water is used for whatever purpose and lose all control over when and where you are used, though the magic will keep you on the grounds of the mansion. Then, in a week or two, the magic of the mansion will collect you here to choose again. But I must be sure you know: you will merely be water, no one will be able to sense you, and you will swum in, bathed in, drunk, used to wash dishes, added to recipes that call for water, cycled through toilets...there is no way to tell after you enter that water supply in the swimming pool miss. For this option, ripple three times only."
You ponder and decide: