'‘I-In a shocking new development, it seems that the virus is somehow able to spread into the real world through contact with an infected PET! Please ignore our previous warning and make no attempt to touch your PET or Navi, lest you get infected as well! Stay home and try not to come into contact with anyone else! Ribbita, DNN-”
"*sigh* Fuckin fetish virus.....I should've stayed in bed...."
Pat was not having a good day. She'd gotten up late, somehow choked on her mouthwash, burnt her breakfast, nearly fallen over her own feet several times, someone had taken (admittedly rightful, with how off balance she was today)offense to her giant cleaver at the LevBus Station so she had to spend a good 10 minutes explaining to them that it WAS stored in a clear sheath and she didn't intend to use it as a weapon(she should have left it at home the minute she started stumbling but habits made her take it anyway), almost tripped on the stairs of Green Area's LevBus Station and scared the shit out of everyone there.....and when she'd gotten to her classroom, late, the dedicated, hardworking students that had come to learn from her, not to look at her, weren't there. And neither they, other teachers, or anyone else taking a class showed up, either. She'd ended up waiting an hour in relative silence just preparing her cooking utensils, before turning on the TV, and found out why no one else was around when an emergency broadcast aired.....warning people that a strange virus was infecting Navis and fattening the female Navis up.....and that said virus was able to seep out infect people in the real world and do to the same WG shit unto women. Which she was, last time she checked(this morning, in fact), meaning she was a target. And a chef. Meaning she'd be ruining her own waistline and clothes with her own food. Great.
How the fuck had she not noticed the lack of people in the building?
"Argh, knowing my luck today, I'll get infected with the virus, and end up destroying the building with my own hefty, doughy girth...and wouldn't that be fucking hilarious...?" Pat muttered sarcastically to herself as she took a seat in the Green Town Community Centre's kitchen room, trying to suppress her anger, concerns and fantasies...especially her fantasies.
"Could this day throw any more bullshit at me?"