Now, as Matt approached the dining hall, he saw several guys making their way up from the beach, and other guys and gals descending on the dining hall too. There seemed to be all types of people - mostly young, but some older too. Of the group of guys approaching from the beach, there were two things they all had in common - they were all blond, and they were all VERY fat! Matt had played enough pick-up football in college to know that just being fat didn't stop you being an athlete, but MAN! Matt figured each of the guys approaching him, clad only in swim trunks and towels, had to weight twice what he did - they definitely had the 'off-season' O-line look going on. Certainly the polar BEAR swim was well named here.
But, what were so many fat guys doing working at a summer camp? Matt wondered. For the fat campers who came, wouldn't it be better to have athletic counsellors like himself as role models?
As the 'beach boys' got closer, Matt realised that he'd underestimated their weights, if anything - so what were all these fat guys doing here. Just as he and the leader of the group of swimmers, Matt blurted out, "What are you fat guys doing here?"
The front guy halted, as did all the blond bear-like guys behind him - and up close, Matt's brain noted, they really did look like blond bears, and the one leading them had to be pushing 400 pounds. "I could ask you the same, skinny guy!" this first of the blond guys retorted. "We're camp counsellors, just like you. It takes all kinds to run a camp, and we just happen to be the BIG kind!" he continued, grinning. "Maybe someday you'll join us in the big leagues, eh what?" he added, and one big padded paw - oops, hand - reached out and patted Matt on his flat stomach. The big bear rolled back into motion and Matt watched as the whole gang of them disappeared into a washroom building, only to reappear moments later in shorts and t-shirts, their swim trunks carried in their towels. Again, the huge guy was leading them, and he stopped beside Matt again.
"Hey, skinny, good to see you again. I guess our massive good looks just have you rooted to the spot. Coming...