The surviving scientists were in complete awe of how much Sally fattened up. So many rolls and folds of heavenly blubbery, brown and beige fur. The obese princess was beyond their comprehension. They knew the consequences of Sally drinking the weight gain potion would possibly make her immobile, at least 700 to 1000 lbs, but not to this extent. Sally weighing as much as an average whale, just laid there, her soft delicious blubber spread across the grass of the now destroyed lab building. Her cheeks puffy from fat, dozens of chins, her massive boobs sagging on the sides of her belly, touching her love handles. Her ass was almost as large as her belly, going pass her back fat and touching her head. Limbs sunken deep into fat, with no sign of her hands and feet. Her belly jiggling and sloshing endlessly, as it roared again in hunger.
“I know at least some of you survived my spontaneous weight gain, which I must say thank you very much, but can her me? I’m starving and I need food ASAP! I can’t see you very well though. My cheeks are obscuring my sight…”, said the impatient Sally.
The scientists stopped their gawking at their new princess’s fatty form and went to work to contact the royal guards and construction workers to help move Sally back to her castle.
News spread quickly and every citizen in Sally’s kingdom came to see her bloated body. Everyone couldn’t believe their eyes witnessing their once petite princess, now as fat as pod of hippos, being jiggled wildly by many of her servants, now about to transported. One little girl chipmunk in the massive crowd of people was even inspired by Sally’s new weight, tugging at her mother’s dress saying she wanted to be as big as the princess when she got older. Her mother turned to daughter, scolded at her for saying something so obscene, grabbed her by her hand and dragged her upset child home.
It took an entire day, but Sally was ready to be brought home where an enormous feast was waiting for her. During the preparations of her transport, the workers dug through her fat and found the lost scientist. He was completely fine, but drenched in his own sweat due to the intense body heat of Sally’s fat.
Sally’s workers placed several nets under her blobby flesh, tied together to suspension wires which were tied to several helicopters. The heavy princess was slowly lifted off of the ground, her entire body began sagging and drooping just as much as her massive boobs, as the helicopters were gaining altitude. Her mountainous body swayed from side to side like an wrecking ball. Her heavy body hung so low that her ass and belly knocked plenty of trees while flying above a near by forest. At the castle was…