Whoa... what a weird dream you seem to be having. You seem to be trapped in a humongous tank full of milk. This tank is pure glass and the only way out seems to be hundreds of feet beyond your reach. Normally you'd freak, but since this is a dream... who cares?
"Ms. Ishtar, your match against Kaiba is starting!"
"Allright. I am on my way."
Hmm.. that second voice sounded familiar! You heard the other voice mention 'Kaiba'... hmm...
Suddenly, you see a humongous head just above the opening of the tank! The head of a beautiful dark skinned with woman with long black hair wearing a white hood and golden twin-bands in her hair.
"What the?" you say to yourself, "She looks so fami-WHAAA!!!"
Before you could finish, the tank youre in starts to tip toward this woman... while her mouth starts to open!! There is no time to swim out of the way... not that you would, since it is just a dream... you just go with the flow and get suck down into her mouth!! You get a good view of her tongue and some oral muscles going to work before youre surrounded in deep darkness....
Yikes! That loud shout woke you the hell up! You immediately see Aaron's face looking down at you with a terrified look! You also notice you seem to be dangling over some ledge while your friend's grabbing you by the arm keeping you from falling! Out of curiosity, you look down.... and see a bubbling lake of red acid a couple feet below you! Judging by the heat you feel from it, it's EXTREMELY hot and can possibly burn your flesh right off your bones!
Out of instinct, you scream in terror! But Aaron tries to calm you, "C'mon! Quickly, take my other hand!" You do as he says and grab his hand. Aaron then looks behind him and says, "Ok! Pull us up!!" With a huge tug, the two of you get pulled out of the ledge!
You get up and breath a sigh of relief, "Oh man.. thanks a lot, Aaron!"
"Huh? Aaron?" he just looks at you strangely, "Who's Aaron?" What the?!
"Thank the Gods youre allright!" says the other person that saved your life. A familiar looking young dark-skinned man with long white hair wearing golden neckbands and earrings... wait a sec! Isnt he a Yu-Gi-Oh character?!
"I am Marik Ishtar. Pleased to meet you," he extends his hand, but you dont shake it. You just look around this strange 'room' youre in... this gigantic chamber looks so organic! The walls breathe in and out, the thick red ground seems to slowly inward and outward making strange gurgling sounds. Strange vapors are filling this room kinda blurring your vision. These vapors are coming from the bubbling acid lake...
Could this, perhaps, be a gigantic stomach? "Um... Aaron, where are we?" you ask Aaron. But he just looks at you odd, "Why do you keep calling me 'Aaron'? And just WHO ARE YOU, stranger?!!"
"My friend here has lost his memory," Marik tells you, "So I named him 'Corey'. You, Corey, and I... are trapped inside my sister's stomach."
ISHIZU?! One of the only reasons you STILL watch this cartoon?! Youre inside HER?! But how?! ...Unless... that dream... wasnt a dream! And those devices in your room... another of Aaron's weird ideas!! And if you remember correctly, you were zapped sometime during the Battle City Finals between Ishizu and Kaiba.... huh....!!
"AARON-uh, Corey!" you correct yourself, "How you did manage you send us HERE?!!!" 'Corey' only stare blankly at you, ".....What? What did I do?"
"Well it's a long story how I got here," Marik rolls his eyes, "but let's just say it involves letting my hatred get the best of me! Corey, unfortunately, doesnt remember anything before... waking up inside my sister!"
Damn. The genius has lost his memory! He got you in this mess, and unfortunately, he doesnt even remember who you are!! Well, it looks like it's up to you yourself to helping your old friend 'Corey' and his new friend Marik escaping internal Hell....