Jared was just amazed. How was Drew able to see and hear everything he was doing without even being in the same room with him? How was he even to see what he was writing in his notebook? How could Drew spy on his computer screen? It almost seemed too amazing to believe that Drew was able to see and hear everything.
“I told you, bro. I can see and hear everything you’re doing and hearing. No need to question my abilities. I’m watching your every move all the time from now on for the rest of your life! Plus, I can control you like a puppet if I want to. Don’t worry, I’ll be looking after you all the time!” Drew’s voice rang inside of Jared’s ears.
This was just too much for Jared to take in at first. Jared stood up and looked around his bedroom. Maybe there were hidden cameras and microphones installed in his room and this was part of an elaborate prank that Drew was pulling on him? Jared then wandered around his room, looking through his bookcase and his dresser to see if he could find a microphone or a hidden camera somewhere.
“What are you looking for, bro? No, there is no hidden camera or microphone hidden anywhere in your room. I can hear your thoughts and I know your feelings. You are an open book to me now. Stop trying to find another explanation for my powers, bro! I already told you the truth. I can see, hear, and feel everything through your own eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and thoughts, I can see everything!” Drew’s voice explained.
Jared then stepped out of his bedroom and walked into the kitchen where he poured for himself a glass of milk. As he poured the milk, he heard Drew’s voice again.
“Go ahead and make yourself a sandwich. You need some protein to grow some muscle!” Drew spoke.
“Uhh… But I’m not really hungry right now…” Jared whispered, feeling awkward to be talking to himself.
“I can change that!”
Suddenly, Jared heard a loud rumble coming from his stomach! Wow, he was suddenly hungry as a wolf! Did Drew do that?
“Oh, man! I’m starving!” Jared mumbled.
Jared made a turkey sandwich and sat down at the kitchen table, eating his sandwich as he finished his glass of milk. Drew left him alone until he finished eating.
Jared had just washed the dishes and put everything away when he felt a strong tingling sensation all through his upper body. He had a strong urge to flex his arms when he saw what was happening!
Suddenly, and without any other warning, Jared saw his biceps grow, adding a good inch to their size. His bulging biceps made him look like a young bodybuilder with big guns! Both his triceps and his biceps bulged, making his arms much bigger than they were just a minute earlier.
“Whoa! My arms! How did I get such big arms without lifting any weights?” Jared gasped.
“I just made your arms grow, dude! Go ahead and take a nice nap, and I’ll play around with your size and muscles some more!” Drew spoke.
“But I’m not tired!” Jared shrugged.
That changed immediately as he let out a deep yawn, as he was overcome by a feeling of fatigue. Jared wandered back into his room and crawled in bed, where he dozed off instantly, all thanks to Drew!
What did Drew do to Jared while he was taking a nap?