Makes text bold.
Tag Syntax:{b} ... {/b}
Example with raw WritingML:{b}This text is bold.{/b}
Example result:This text is bold.
Makes text italic.
Tag Syntax:{i} ... {/i}
Example with raw WritingML:{i}This text is italic.{/i}
Example result:This text is italic.
Underlines text.
Tag Syntax:{u} ... {/u}
Example with raw WritingML:{u}This text is underlined.{/u}
Example result:This text is underlined.
Crosses out text.
Tag Syntax:{x} ... {/x}
Example with raw WritingML:Strike through {x}certain{/x} words.
Example result:Strike through certain words.
Text is printed smaller and slightly below other text.
Tag Syntax:{sub} ... {/sub}
Example with raw WritingML:This is sub{sub}script{/sub}.
Example result:This is subscript.
Text is printed smaller and slightly above other text.
Tag Syntax:{super} ... {/super}
Example with raw WritingML:This is super{super}script{/super}.
Example result:This is superscript.
Changes the text color to the color specified within the open tag. The colors available are: red, rose, pink, orange, yellow, light green, green, light teal, teal, light blue, blue, indigo, violet, plum, light khaki, khaki, brown, grey, and black. Replace "COLOR" with name of color.
Tag Syntax:{c:COLOR} ... {/c}
Example with raw WritingML:{c:lilac}{b}This text is lilac.{/b}{/c}
{c:violet}{b}This text is violet.{/b}{/c}
{c:grape}{b}This text is grape.{/b}{/c}
{c:plum}{b}This text is plum.{/b}{/c}
{c:magenta}{b}This text is magenta.{/b}{/c}
{c:rose}{b}This text is rose.{/b}{/c}
{c:red}{b}This text is red.{/b}{/c}
{c:maroon}{b}This text is maroon.{/b}{/c}
{c:lred}{b}This text is light red.{/b}{/c}
{c:ppink}{b}This text is pastel pink.{/b}{/c}
{c:hotpink}{b}This text is hot pink.{/b}{/c}
{c:pink}{b}This text is pink.{/b}{/c}
{c:pred}{b}This text is pastel red.{/b}{/c}
{c:borange}{b}This text is bright orange.{/b}{/c}
{c:orange}{b}This text is orange.{/b}{/c}
{c:dorange}{b}This text is dark orange.{/b}{/c}
{c:brown}{b}This text is brown.{/b}{/c}
{c:tan}{b}This text is tan.{/b}{/c}
{c:byellow}{b}This text is bright yellow.{/b}{/c}
{c:yellow}{b}This text is yellow.{/b}{/c}
{c:lkhaki}{b}This text is light khaki.{/b}{/c}
{c:khaki}{b}This text is khaki.{/b}{/c}
{c:pgreen}{b}This text is pastel green.{/b}{/c}
{c:bgreen}{b}This text is bright green.{/b}{/c}
{c:lgreen}{b}This text is light green.{/b}{/c}
{c:green}{b}This text is green.{/b}{/c}
{c:hunter}{b}This text is hunter.{/b}{/c}
{c:pteal}{b}This text is pastel teal.{/b}{/c}
{c:lteal}{b}This text is light teal.{/b}{/c}
{c:teal}{b}This text is teal.{/b}{/c}
{c:pblue}{b}This text is pastel blue.{/b}{/c}
{c:lblue}{b}This text is light blue.{/b}{/c}
{c:blue}{b}This text is blue.{/b}{/c}
{c:navy}{b}This text is navy.{/b}{/c}
{c:indigo}{b}This text is indigo.{/b}{/c}
{c:lgrey}{b}This text is light grey.{/b}{/c}
{c:grey}{b}This text is grey.{/b}{/c}
{c:black}{b}This text is black.{/b}{/c}
Example result:This text is lilac.
This text is violet.
This text is grape.
This text is plum.
This text is magenta.
This text is rose.
This text is red.
This text is maroon.
This text is light red.
This text is pastel pink.
This text is hot pink.
This text is pink.
This text is pastel red.
This text is bright orange.
This text is orange.
This text is dark orange.
This text is brown.
This text is tan.
This text is bright yellow.
This text is yellow.
This text is light khaki.
This text is khaki.
This text is pastel green.
This text is bright green.
This text is light green.
This text is green.
This text is hunter.
This text is pastel teal.
This text is light teal.
This text is teal.
This text is pastel blue.
This text is light blue.
This text is blue.
This text is navy.
This text is indigo.
This text is light grey.
This text is grey.
This text is black.
Changes Writing.Com's standard font to the font specified within the open tag. The fonts available are: Arial, Comic, Courier, Impact, Times, and Verdana. Replace "TYPE" with name of font.
Tag Syntax:{font:TYPE} ... {/font}
Example with raw WritingML:{font:arial}This text is Arial.{/font}
{font:comic}This text is Comic.{/font}
{font:courier}This text is Courier.{/font}
{font:impact}This text is Impact.{/font}
{font:times}This text is Times.{/font}
{font:verdana}This text is Verdana.{/font}
Example result:This text is Arial.
This text is Comic.
This text is Courier.
This text is Impact.
This text is Times.
This text is Verdana.
Changes Writing.Com's standard font size from "1" (the smallest available) to "5" (the largest available). Place text in between tags to change. Replace "VALUE" with a desired number ranging from 1 to 5.
Tag Syntax:{size:VALUE} ... {/size}
Example with raw WritingML:{size:1}This text is size 1.{/size}
{size:2}This text is size 2.{/size}
{size:3}This text is size 3.{/size}
{size:4}This text is size 4.{/size}
{size:5}This text is size 5.{/size}
Example result:This text is size 1.
This text is size 2.
This text is size 3.
This text is size 4.
This text is size 5.
Changes the background color of text to simulate highlighting. The highlight colors available are: yellow, pink, blue, orange and green. Replace "COLOR" with name of color.
Tag Syntax:{highlight:COLOR} ... {/highlight}
Example with raw WritingML:{highlight:yellow}This is highlighted with yellow.{/highlight}
{highlight:pink}This is highlighted with pink.{/highlight}
{highlight:blue}This is highlighted with blue.{/highlight}
{highlight:orange}This is highlighted with orange.{/highlight}
{highlight:green}This is highlighted with green.{/highlight}
Example result:This is highlighted with yellow.
This is highlighted with pink.
This is highlighted with blue.
This is highlighted with orange.
This is highlighted with green.
Includes small decorative images provided by Writing.Com. Replace "NAME" with name of emoticon. Adding prefixes of either
R or
L to the emoticon tag allows for any emoticon to be rotated RIGHT or LEFT 90 degrees. Adding prefixes of
H or
V to the emoticon tag allows any emoticon to be flipped horizontally (H) and/or vertically (V). See:
List of WDC Emoticons for the complete list of emoticons. See "
Enhance Your Item With WritingML"

for more detailed explanation and instructions on WritingML and emoticons.
Tag Syntax:{e:NAME}
Example with raw WritingML:{e:laugh}
Example result:Create dynamic lines of emoticons. Replace "NAME" with name of emoticon. Advanced options: Adding = R or L and/or V, H or VH will rotate or flip emoticons in the line. See:
List of WDC Emoticons for the complete list of emoticons. Optionally, replace "SETTINGS" with "WIDTH=n%", "SPACING=n" and/or "OPACITY=n%". Separate multiple settings by commas. See examples below:
Tag Syntax:{line:NAME,NAME:SETTINGS}
Example with raw WritingML:{line:smile}
Example result:Text is aligned in the center of the area.
Tag Syntax:{center} ... {/center}
Example with raw WritingML:{center}These lines of text are aligned center.
These lines of text are aligned center.
These lines of text are aligned center.
These lines of text are aligned center.{/center}
Example result:These lines of text are aligned center.
These lines of text are aligned center.
These lines of text are aligned center.
These lines of text are aligned center.
Text is aligned to the left of the area.
Tag Syntax:{left} ... {/left}
Example with raw WritingML:{left}These lines of text are aligned left.
These lines of text are aligned left.
These lines of text are aligned left.
These lines of text are aligned left.{/left}
Example result:These lines of text are aligned left.
These lines of text are aligned left.
These lines of text are aligned left.
These lines of text are aligned left.
Text is aligned to the right of the area.
Tag Syntax:{right} ... {/right}
Example with raw WritingML:{right}These lines of text are aligned right.
These lines of text are aligned right.
These lines of text are aligned right.
These lines of text are aligned right.{/right}
Example result:These lines of text are aligned right.
These lines of text are aligned right.
These lines of text are aligned right.
These lines of text are aligned right.
Text is spread evenly from right to left side.
Tag Syntax:{justify} ... {/justify}
Example with raw WritingML:{justify}This block of text is justified from right to left and uses the entire space. This block of text is justified from right to left and uses the entire space. This block of text is justified from right to left and uses the entire space. This block of text is justified from right to left and uses the entire space. This block of text is justified from right to left and uses the entire space. This block of text is justified from right to left and uses the entire space. This block of text is justified from right to left and uses the entire space.{/justify}
Example result:This block of text is justified from right to left and uses the entire space. This block of text is justified from right to left and uses the entire space. This block of text is justified from right to left and uses the entire space. This block of text is justified from right to left and uses the entire space. This block of text is justified from right to left and uses the entire space. This block of text is justified from right to left and uses the entire space. This block of text is justified from right to left and uses the entire space.
Text is indented five spaces.
Tag Syntax:{indent}
Example with raw WritingML:{indent}This text is indented.
Example result: This text is indented.
Produces an em dash (long).
Tag Syntax:{emdash}
Example with raw WritingML:This is an Em Dash: {emdash}
Example result:This is an Em Dash: —
Produces an en dash.
Tag Syntax:{endash}
Example with raw WritingML:This is an En Dash: {endash}
Example result:This is an En Dash: –
Produces large first character in a line or sequence.
Tag Syntax:{dropcap} ... {/dropcap}
Example with raw WritingML:{dropcap}Once upon a time, on a writing web site not very far away... There was a lot of repeating text to demonstrate a dropcap. There was a lot of repeating text to demonstrate a dropcap. There was a lot of repeating text to demonstrate a dropcap. There was a whole lot of repeating text to demonstrate a dropcap. There was a lot of repeating text to demonstrate a dropcap. There was a lot of repeating text to demonstrate a dropcap. There was a lot of repeating text to demonstrate how a dropcap works. {/dropcap}
Example result:Once upon a time, on a writing web site not very far away... There was a lot of repeating text to demonstrate a dropcap. There was a lot of repeating text to demonstrate a dropcap. There was a lot of repeating text to demonstrate a dropcap. There was a whole lot of repeating text to demonstrate a dropcap. There was a lot of repeating text to demonstrate a dropcap. There was a lot of repeating text to demonstrate a dropcap. There was a lot of repeating text to demonstrate how a dropcap works.
Adds one additional empty space to a word or line of text.
Tag Syntax:{s}
Example with raw WritingML:There are three extra spaces {s}{s}{s}here.
Example result:There are three extra spaces here.
Adjusts the line spacing for a block of text. The line space VALUE must be a number between 1.0 (single spaced) through 3.0 (triple spaced). Note that the "default" line spacing used by web browsers is 1.2, which means that using {linespace:1.0} will produce more compressed and compacted text than normal. Replace "VALUE" with a desired number ranging from 1.0 to 3.0.
Tag Syntax:{linespace:VALUE} ... {/linespace}
Example with raw WritingML:Normal (VALUE of 1.2)
This is a short little poem,
one we will use just to show 'em,
what linespace is able to do,
with just a mouse click or two.
With (VALUE of 1)
{linespace:1}This is a short little poem,
one we will use just to show 'em,
what linespace is able to do,
with just a mouse click or two.{/linespace}
With (VALUE of 1.5)
{linespace:1.5}This is a short little poem,
one we will use just to show 'em,
what linespace is able to do,
with just a mouse click or two.{/linespace}
With (VALUE of 2)
{linespace:2}This is a short little poem,
one we will use just to show 'em,
what linespace is able to do,
with just a mouse click or two.{/linespace}
With (VALUE of 3)
{linespace:3}This is a short little poem,
one we will use just to show 'em,
what linespace is able to do,
with just a mouse click or two.{/linespace}
Example result:Normal (VALUE of 1.2)
This is a short little poem,
one we will use just to show 'em,
what linespace is able to do,
with just a mouse click or two.
With (VALUE of 1)
This is a short little poem,
one we will use just to show 'em,
what linespace is able to do,
with just a mouse click or two.
With (VALUE of 1.5)
This is a short little poem,
one we will use just to show 'em,
what linespace is able to do,
with just a mouse click or two.
With (VALUE of 2)
This is a short little poem,
one we will use just to show 'em,
what linespace is able to do,
with just a mouse click or two.
With (VALUE of 3)
This is a short little poem,
one we will use just to show 'em,
what linespace is able to do,
with just a mouse click or two.
A Popnote is a small text box that will "pop" up when dotted underlined text is moused over. Choose the word(s) (shown below as "TITLE") that you would like underlined and place it within the popnote quotes in the open tag. Then place your Popnote open and close tags around the text that you would like displayed within the Popnote box. NOTE: Be sure to use "quotes" around your Popnote title in the open tag.
Tag Syntax:{popnote:"TITLE"} ... {/popnote}
Example with raw WritingML:{popnote:"PopNote"}Popnotes are {b}very{/b} useful! {e:star}{/popnote} Example
Example result: PopNote
Popnotes are very useful!  |
A footnote is a note of text placed at the bottom of an item. Footnotes can be numerical or lettered, depending upon the author's preference. To produce numerical footnotes, use a "#" or "1" to begin your set. The system will automatically number your footnotes after that. Do NOT use other numbers besides "#" or "1", as they will not work. To produce lettered footnotes, use an "a" to begin a lowercase set (a-z, then aa-zz) and "A" to begin an uppercase set (A-Z, then AA-ZZ). Do NOT use other letters besides "a" or "A", as they will not work. The system automatically increments the footnote count and will decide which number or letter to show next. This makes it very easy for authors to add and delete footnotes as they need without having to change numbers or letters within the tags during the process.
Tag Syntax:{footnote:"#"} ... {/footnote}
Example with raw WritingML:This is an example of a numbered footnote. {footnote:#}And this would be the first one.{/footnote}
This is an example of another numbered footnote. {footnote:#}This would be the second.{/footnote}
This is an example of another numbered footnote. {footnote:#}This would be the third.{/footnote}
This is an example of another numbered footnote. {footnote:#}This would be the fourth.{/footnote}
This is an example of a lettered footnote. {footnote:a}And this would be the first one.{/footnote}
This is an example of another lettered footnote. {footnote:a}This would be the second one.{/footnote}
This is an example of another lettered footnote. {footnote:a}This would be the third.{/footnote}
This is an example of another lettered footnote. {footnote:a}This would be the fourth.{/footnote}
Example result:This is an example of a numbered footnote.
This is an example of another numbered footnote.
This is an example of another numbered footnote.
This is an example of another numbered footnote.
This is an example of a lettered footnote.
This is an example of another lettered footnote.
This is an example of another lettered footnote.
This is an example of another lettered footnote.
And this would be the first one.
This would be the second.
This would be the third.
This would be the fourth.
And this would be the first one.
This would be the second one.
This would be the third.
This would be the fourth.
A Dropnote is an area that drops down when underlined text is clicked. Choose the word(s) (shown below as "TITLE") that you would like underlined and place it within the dropnote quotes in the open tag. Then place your dropnote open and close tags around the text that you would like displayed within the dropnote area. NOTE: Be sure to use "quotes" around your dropnote title in the open tag.
Tag Syntax:{dropnote:"TITLE"} ... {/dropnote}
Example with raw WritingML:{dropnote:"Dropnote"}Dropnotes are {b}very{/b} useful! {e:star}
You can add other links inside the dropnote area, as well.
Example result:Dropnote ▼Dropnotes are
very useful!

You can add other links inside the dropnote area, as well.
All text within the quote block will be automatically indented on both the left and right side of the item, regardless of the length of the text placed inside.
Tag Syntax:{quote} ... {/quote}
Example with raw WritingML:{quote}This is an example quote block. Everything placed inside will be automatically indented from both the left and right side of the item. This is an example quote block. Everything placed inside will be automatically indented from both the left and right side of the item. This is an example quote block. Everything placed inside will be automatically indented from both the left and right side of the item. This is an example quote block. Everything placed inside will be automatically indented from both the left and right side of the item.{/quote}
Example result:This is an example quote block. Everything placed inside will be automatically indented from both the left and right side of the item. This is an example quote block. Everything placed inside will be automatically indented from both the left and right side of the item. This is an example quote block. Everything placed inside will be automatically indented from both the left and right side of the item. This is an example quote block. Everything placed inside will be automatically indented from both the left and right side of the item.
All text within the list block will be automatically numbered in the way requested using the complete tag: { type-list:name:optional-format }
Tag Syntax:{list}
Example with raw WritingML:{list} Cats
{list} Cows
{list} Sheep
{list} Horses
Example result:1 Cats
2 Cows
3 Sheep
4 Horses
All text within the list block will be automatically numbered in the way requested using the complete tag: { type-list:name:optional-format }
Tag Syntax:{list} ... {/list}
Example with raw WritingML:{list} Cats
Example result:1 Cats
2 Cows
3 Sheep
4 Horses
5 Monkeys
6 Elephants
7 Hippos
All text within the list block will be automatically numbered in the way requested using the complete tag: { type-list:name:optional-format }
Tag Syntax:{list:name:format} ... {/list:name:format}
Example with raw WritingML:{list:animals:%--> } Cats
Hippos{/list:animals:%--> }
Example result:1--> Cats
2--> Cows
3--> Sheep
4--> Horses
5--> Monkeys
6--> Elephants
7--> Hippos
All text within the list block will be automatically lettered in the way requested.
Tag Syntax:{a-list:name:format} ... {/a-list:name}
Example with raw WritingML:{a-list:animals:(-%-) } Cats
Hippos{/a-list:animals:(-%-) }
Example result:(-a-) Cats
(-b-) Cows
(-c-) Sheep
(-d-) Horses
(-e-) Monkeys
(-f-) Elephants
(-g-) Hippos
To break a list up, close the tag and then re-open it as needed.
Tag Syntax:{list} ... {/list}
Example with raw WritingML:Here are some animals:
{list} Cats
And let's not forget:
Example result:Here are some animals:
1 Cats
2 Cows
3 Sheep
And let's not forget:
4 Horses
5 Monkeys
6 Elephants
7 Hippos
To include multiple lists in the same area, give them different names: { type-list:name:optional-format }
Tag Syntax:{list:name} ... {/list:name}
Example with raw WritingML:Here are three animals:
{list:animals-1} Cats
Here are four different animals:
Example result:Here are three animals:
1 Cats
2 Cows
3 Sheep
Here are four different animals:
1 Horses
2 Monkeys
3 Elephants
4 Hippos
Retains any unique spacing when tags are placed around the text.
Tag Syntax:{pre} ... {/pre}
Example with raw WritingML:{pre}Pre-Formatted Text
Retains all spacing.{/pre}
Example result:Pre-Formatted Text
Retains all spacing.
The system automatically hides all of the enclosed text, a great way to leave notes out of sight within items.
Tag Syntax:{hide} ... {/hide}
Example with raw WritingML:In this sentence, there is {hide}a lot of hidden{/hide} text.
Example result:In this sentence, there is text.